Write ✍️ appropriate grammar in the following fill in the blanks.

1. despite....... our good contact we could not get tickets

A. Zero preposition



D from

GP---despite के साथ of नहीं आता है in spite के साथ of आता है 

2. Our housing society........8 blocks and 48 flats.

A.comprises of




GP comprise के साथ of नहीं आता है consist के साथ of आता है 

3. he described .....the incident at length.




D.zero preposition.

Describe or discuss के साथ कभी preposition नहीं आता है 

4 Rakesh Along with his friends ....... invited to the party.





Gp---Along with /as well as /together with/with/like से पहले जो noun आता है उसी के अनुसार verb आयेगी 

5. Bread and butter....... essential for one's 🧬 life

A is




GP दो शब्द मिलकर एक पुरा अर्थ बताते हे तो उनके साथ verb singular आयेगी जैसे

Drinking and driving is cause of accident.

6. The poor ........ become poorer and  the rich richer

A.tends to 

B.tend to 

C.is tending at 

D .has tended with

GP the poor एक पुरे वर्ग को बताता है तो verb plural आयेगी 

7.navneet enjoys ........to children.

A.how to tell stories

B.telling stories

C.to narrate stories

D.to tell stories.

Enjoy के बाद अगला शब्द gerund यानि ing form में ही आयेगा।


I am enjoying myself teaching you.

Enjoy के बाद reflexive pronounआयेगा 

8.he met with an accident and was immediately ......

A.admitted to hospital

B.admitted to an hospital

C.admitted to a hospital

D.admitted to the hospital 🏥

दिया गया वाक्य passive voice में है अतः was+V3 आयेगा और hospital वहीं काम करने के कारण article. नहीं आयेगा।

9.the department 🏬 ......away with two years ago.

A.has been 👍 done

B.was done

C.had done

D.has been done 

वाक्य passive में है और done away समाप्त कर देना /बंद कर देना 

10.we are looking forward to ........you.

A. seeing

B.have seen

C.to  see

D.be seen

Look forward to --- अच्छे की आशा करना 

इसके बाद‌ हमेशा gerund ही आयेगा 

Look forward to +meeting you 

11.he will certainly help you if you ........ him in pleasant manner.

1.will ask 



4.shall ask

12.i .......a lot about problems of AIDS these days.

Hear inf form में  नहीं आता है

1.am hearing

2.was hearing 


4.have been hearing 

13.yesterday I told you that I ......help you in all your efforts.

वाक्य भुतकाल में होने के कारण past का modal would आयेगा 





14.if I .......time ,I would have done it yesterday.

If की impossible  शर्त होने के कारण  wereआयेगा



2.had had

3.have had


15.i would not have gone alone if you .......the danger

.if के बाद had+V3 आयेगा 

1.were told me of

2.had been told me of

3.had told me of

4.had told me with

16.he arrived at the venue only after the

वाक्य passive  में होने के कारण was+v3 आयेगा 

1.meeting was adjourn

2.meeting was adjourned

3.meeting had been adjourn

4.meeting was to be adjourn

17.he asked me ........help him.

वाक्य indirect interrogative  होने के कारण  if/whether आयेगा और‌ भुतकाल का modal would आयेगा

1.whether I will

2.if I would

3.whether I could

4. Whether I can

18.the notorious gang .....the door quietly and escaped in the dark with whatever they had.

दो verb and से जुडी होने के कारण opened आयेगा 


2.is opening

3.was opening

4.will have opened

19.who do you think will be able to do this job in a very.......

Very adverb है

Decent adjective है

Manner noun है


1.decent manner

2.decently manner

3.manner decent

4.manner decently

20.knowledge of at least two languages ...... required to pass the examination.

NPN RULE follow होने‌ के कारण यहां knowledge के according verb singular आयेगी 






1.write meaning of following PHRASES

1.leave no stone 🪨 unturned----during an aspirant to crack competition 

भरसक कोशिश करना 

A.depended on many people

B.made every possible effort

C.looked in different places

D.proposed good plans

2.on cloud nine-----when anyone gets success

बहुत खुश‌ होना

A.very depressed

B.very happy

C.not endured

D.busy at work

3.rule the roost----soniya Gandhi during tenure of PM Manmohan singh

कहीं पर‌ प्रमुख होना 

A.a proved right

B.in completely control

C.a totally submissive

D.a dependant upon her

4.jumped the 🔫 gun---

पहले से ही काम शुरू कर देना

Try to take food before starting it 

A.shouted loudly

B.started shooting

C.acted hastily

D.ate quickly

5.through thick and thin

Face 😂 sorrow 😊 happiness

सुख दुख में 

A.under all  circumstances

B.in a happy moments

C .in difficult times

D.in different weathers

6.swollen headed

----who has abundant opulence 

घंमडी इंसान 

A.well connected




7.keep the wolf away from the 🚪 door

The people work /study 

गरीबी और‌भुखमरी को दुर रखना 

A.avoid starvation

B.live on charity

C .keep wild animal away

D.be safe in her 🏠 house

8 .stuffed 🧸 shirt 👕

जो इंसान दिखावा करता है‌

Who shows money 💰  car 🚗 Mobile📲

A.pompous person

B.obese person

C.humble person

D.stubborn person

9.sword of damocles 

खतरे की तलवार 

Who murders  someone and absconds---fear of arrest 

A.strict rule and regulations

B.an I'll omen of death

C.a constant threat

D.threat of physical harm

10.threw up my ♦️ cards

An aspirant ☔ drops out his studies for ever 

अपनी योजना हमेशा के लिए छोड़ देना 

A.gambled all the 💰 money

B.looked out for help

C.gave up my plan

D.put my whole income at stake


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