Brahamstra test paper no.15


Fill in the blanks with grammar

1.if Manali had worked hard she.........the job she desired.

Had के बाद वाले वाक्य में would have+V3 आयेगा

A.will have got

B.would have got

C .will get

D.will be getting

2.had I realised that it was such a long way I.........a taxi.

Had के बाद वाले वाक्य में would have+V3 आयेगा 

A.would have taken

B.would taken

C .will be taken

D.will be getting

3.he would not have written this letter if he .........the. News 

Would not have के साथ  वाले वाक्य में had +V3 आयेगा 

A.will not be heard

B had not heard

C.would not have heard

D.will not have heard 


Proper noun से पहले  सामान्यतः article नही आयेगा 

Standard event past indefinite  में लिखा जायेगा 

A.the,had discovered

B.zero article,discovered

C.the,will have discovered

D.a,would have discovered

5.the servant had finished his work when I .........him.

 पहले समाप्त होने वाली घटना Had +V3 बाद‌ वाली घटना V2  में लिखी जायेगी 


B.had called

C.will have called

D.would have called

6.........dinner was not properly served.you should arrange ......nice dinner.

 Dinner से पहले  article नहीं आयेगा  मगर dinner से पहले  adjective  लगा दिया जाये तो article लगाया जा सकता है




D.zero article,a

7.do you play ........hockey...dusk.

 खेलों से पहले सामान्यतः Article नहीं आयेगा  dawn से पहले at आयेगा 

A a,at



D.zero article,at

8.Mumbai is ......Manchester of India.the people  are placid in ......Kango.

Manchester तुलना के कारण  the लेगा  or kango  विशेष दर्जा होने के कारण the लेगा




D.zero article,zero article 

9........Himalayas lie to......North of India.

Himalayas the  आयेगा or north दिशा के नाम होने के कारण the लेगा


B.the ,zero article

C.the ,a

D.zero article,zero article

10........sun rises in ......east.

 Sun unique होने के कारण the लेगा  or east दिशा का नाम  होने के कारण the लेगा।


B.the ,a

C.zero article,zero article



11.Ram agreed to .......my orders.

A.carry away

B.carry on

C.carry out जारी रखना 

D.carry off

12.i hope you can.....the money you spent.

A.account for जिम्मेदार‌ होना

B.account upon

C .account with

D.account to

13.the actress said that it sometimes took her two hours to........her make up.

A.put over

B.put up

C.put on मेकअप करना /आभुषण पहनना

D.put off

14.once upon a time there a lived a tiger .......a city in search of food.

A.who stray in

B.who strayed into

C.which strayed into

 tiger के लिए which or past indefinite sentence

D.that strayed in 

15.the prisoner who escaped from the prison is.........

A.at by

B.at large फरार होना

C at length 

D.at hand 

Active to passive and vice versa 

16.i had to stop all my work to complete this project.

Had to passive had to be+v3 में लिखी जायेगी 

A.all other work had to be stopped to complete this project by me.

B.for completing this project all other work be stopped

C.for completing this project I had to stop all my work

D. To complete this project all other work had been stopped by me 

17.tell him to get out of our house.

आदेशात्मक वाक्यों की passive Let में लिखी जायेगी 

A.he is told to get out of our house

B.let him be told to get out of our house

C.he might be told to get out of our house

D.he should be told that he may get out of our house.

17.we expect that they will elect him

Will passive will be +V3 में लिखी जायेगी 

Expect passive is expected लिखी जायेगी 

A.it is expected that he will be elected

B.it is expected that he will have been elected

C.it is expected they would elect him

D.it was expected that they will elect him

18.what ammused her?

V2 passive was/were+v3 में लिखी जायेगी 

A.what she is made to amused by

B.by what is she you being amused

C.by what was she amused

D.by what has she been amused

19.for a long time people believed the earth to be flat

Believed passive was/were believed  में लिखी जायेगी 

A.the earth was believed the eart to be flat 

B.the earth had been believed to be flat for a long time

C.the earth was being believed to be flat for a long time 

D.the earth is believed to be flat for a long time 

20.he made us work.

Made passive was/were+V3 or verb से पहले  to  लिखा जायेगा 

A.we were made to work by him

B.we would work by him

C.we might work by him

D.we have to work by him

21.no sooner .............. enter the class ........the students stood up.

No sooner से पहले  inversion or conjunction than लिखा जायेगा 

A.did the teacher entered ,than

B.did the teacher enter ,than

C.had the teacher entered ,when

D.had the teacher entered ,than 

22.the manager was doubtful ......some of clerks of his office ....... involved in bribery.

Doubtful affirmative में है तो  if or clerks  के अनुसार plural verb were आयेगी 

A.if ,were

B.if ,was 

C.that ,were

D.that was

23.as soon as the lion saw the deer.........he began to run after/make after it.

As soon as  conjunction होने के कारण कोई शब्द नहीं आयेगा 




D zero conjunction

24.this is not such a major problem .......cannot be solved .........effort

Such के साथ हमेशा that or effort  से पहले a little आयेगा 

A.which ,a little

B.that ,a little

C.which ,a few

D.that ,little

25.he did not succeed in the examination.......he worked hard .

Although  का प्रयोग होता है





WRITE ✍️ the meaning of following PHRASES

26.at loose ends----

बेरोजगार होना

-----for the competitors /for the youth regarding to thier career 

A.the two loose ends of a thread

B.keep option open

C.in an uncertain situation

D.repay debt

27. at loggerheads-----

असहमति होना

Pakistan and India

A.agree on everything

B.disagreeing on everything

C.aloof from each other

D.abusing each other

28.under the weather----these people go to hospital to recuperate soon 

बीमार हो जाना





29.go for a jugular-----

Both opposite lawyer in court 

कमजोर पक्ष पर प्रहार करना

A.forfeit the match

B.give easy opportunities to the opposite team

C.give reserve players a chance

D.attack all out

30.stir hornet nest

आ बैल‌ मुझे मार 

A.truoblesome situation

B.to try utmost

C.to ascertain

D.to make peace


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