capital punishment------grave and ponderable problem-----by adv.pankaj joshi

capital punishment---grave problem ---by adv.pankaj joshi  apeksha online english classes   91 90247 72875

human being and soaring crimes have hand with glove relation.we cannot ignore crimes from human being' s life.there are numerous reasons of mushrooming crimes .in this way lust and lucre is rudimentary reasons of snowballing prevent such types of odious crimes capital punishment and other dour punishment had been enacted in ancient time.

now we will assay of capital punishment at the touch stone of time.that capital punishment should be obliterated or this way we can say that any type punishment is deterrent to the mushrooming crimes.but every thing has pros and cons.similarily death penalty has merits and demerits .

numerous culprtis had been sent to gallows after freedom fighting in india.but crimes have not been lessened or erased it come rain or shine.on the contrary crimes are aggrandising day by day with sky rocketing speed.

there are unfavourable facts against death punishment is given in the case of rare to rarest is applicable for hard core criminals only.this is the oldest punishment in india .the english used to pronounce capital punishment to the freedom fighters to save dignity and decorum of their regime.

if the regime abrogates this punishment,grave offences will be aggrandised with sky rocketing speed.there is a proverb that a leopard cannot change its spot it come rain or shine .so a criminal cannot change its mentality at any cost.a devil cannot morph into a divine at any is no use erasing capital punishment it come rain or shine.

according the thought of abolitionists capital punishment is a barbaric and savage punishment.because it is against the fundamental right.this right give the right to live .then it is not possible to take life from someone.

to give life to someone is right and deed of almighty no human legal process can snatch the life of someone under the guise of legal process and in the name of to take the life someone is akin to a sin.

no punishment can rectify error of somebody.according this goalpost an opportunity must be given to the offenders to rectify his sin and blunder.a chance must be given to repent of his sin.

once a murderer is always murderer is misconception of criminology.such type of criminals must be treated in hospitals not in jail.

when a person is hanged his survivors will have to face hardships and privations of his life.his offspring become hardcore criminals.there are numerous reasons of heinous crimes.economical and social scenario are responsible factor of this offences.



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