Conjunction part 3

यदि वाक्य में either .......or का प्रयोग हो तो  यह वाक्य में सकारात्मक भाव पैदा करता है।

एक कर्ता दो काम करता है।

1.i will purchase either a commodious field or a swanky bungalow.

2.he has sold either his mobile or his laptop.

जब दो कर्ता एक काम करे तो

1.either Ram or shyam is assaulting a hooligan

2.either the students or the teachers have gone to the cinema.

3.either a boy or the girls were casting  their vote.


यदि वाक्य में lest का प्रयोग होता should आयेगा और not नहीं आयेगा। hard lest you should fail. fast lest you should miss the 🚂 train.


यदि वाक्य मे not only......but also का प्रयोग होता जिसका अर्थ होता है केवल यही नहीं बल्कि वो भी।

जब एक कर्ता दो काम करें 

1.i am not only watching tv but also reading a newspaper.

2.he is  going  to not only cinema but also circus 🎪.

जब दो कर्ता एक काम करे।

1.Not only Ram but also shyam is delivering laconic speech

2.not only my relatives but also my friends are mocking of my poverty.

3.not only Ram but also his friends were  worshipping in temple

4.not only His colleagues but also Ram eats yummy food 🥝



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