Conjunction part 7

 1.,यदि वाक्य में दो कर्ता हो वे as well as,along with ,with , together with , like से जुड़े हों तो verb इनसे पहले आने वाले कर्ता के अनुसार आयेगी ।वह यदि singular  है तो verb singular ओर यदि pluralहै तो verb plural होगी ।

Sub1+as well as/with/together with /along with /like +sub2-----verb sub1के अनुसार ‌आयेगी।

1.Ram along with his friends is going to market father as well as his friends has gone to Delhi

3. You father with you relatives were going to pilgrimage.


2. However  का अर्थ होगा तो भी यह वाक्य में विरोध‌ पैदा करता है। are rich however you are miser. are an officer however you are an arrogant.


3. वाक्य में दो गुणों को हमेशा and से जोड़ा जाएगा

1.Ram is wise 🦉 and honest.

2.maharana Pratap was brave and wise .

3.‌ वाक्य में दो एक गुण और‌अवगुण को जोड़ना हो तो but का प्रयोग होगा। are poor but kind are handsome but dull


1.यदि वाक्य में superlative degree ,the only +noun,the same+noun,somebody का प्रयोग हो तो केवल that आयेगा फिर ना which ,who ,whomआयेगा।

1.Ram is the best student that got the first 🥇 Rank.

2.this  is the same girl that sings a song 

3.shalini is the only girl that toils from dawn to dusk

4.there is somebody that is calling me 


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