Corner stone class no.8


Topic no.8

Past perfect continuous

Sub+had been+V4+object+since/for+time

इस काल‌ मे समय के साथ काम चल‌ रहा होता है जब was/were+V4 को समय दे दिया जाता है तब उस काल को past perfect continuous में लिखा जायेगा ।

ENGLISH SENTENCES envious brother had been dragging me in court since our property row . opulent neighbour had been splurging money  since litigation .Dog in manger policy is rudimentary reason of soaring litigation.

3.the litigants had been wandering for many years to garner justified justice .

4.a prudent lawyer had been producing concrete proofs since trial in jampacked court to win case by hook or by crook.

5.a notorious culprit had been  imploring before a stern judge since capital punishment .

6.a sedulous and sage judge had been assaying of vital evidences since cold blooded murder charge sheet .

7. A novice lawyer had been reading between the lines of a chargesheet  since trial to shield his client . ocular witness has been  trying to elude an adroit lawyer since cross examination.

9.i had been burning mid night oil  for two years to  make shelf in the advocacy career .

10.the police had been trying to escort a terrorist to court since their kingpin's threat .

1.एक अतिभुखा सुबह से स्वादिष्ट खाने को चट कर ‌रहा था भुखमरी जीवन का सबसे बड़ा अभिशाप है ।

A guzzler had been demolishing delectable food since morning.starvation is the biggest bane of life.

2.वह अपनी बर्बादी से ही अपने दाल‌ रोटी के लिए छोटे मोटे काम कर रहा था ।

He had been doing odd jobs since his destruction for his bread and butter.

3.दोनो‌ पति पत्नी अपनी शादी से ही कलह पुर्ण जीवन जी रहे थे ।तलाक युवा लोगों का मनभावन विषय बन चुका है ।

Both spouses had been leading cats and dogs life since their marriage.divorce is cup of tea 🍵 of the youth.

4.घातक कोरोना वायरस से गरीब  लोग दो वक्त की रोटी के लिए तड़प रहे थे।

The indigent had been pining for two square meal a day since fatal corona virus.

5.एक पाखंडी ज्योतिष दो साल से मुझे ठग रहा था।लोग अंधविश्वास और मिथ्या धारणाओं में भरोसा करते हैं 

A hypocrite astrologer had been rooking me for two years.the people rely on superstitions and myths.

6.मेरा कामचोर  भाई दो साल से एक अच्छी नौकरी के लिए मारा मारा फिर रहा था।

My maligner brother had been moving pillar to post for two years for a plum job.

7.कुछ शरारती बच्चे एक पागल पर काफी  देर से पत्थर फेंक रहे थे ‌वह विशाल पेड़ के‌ पीछे छिपे रहा था ।

Some impish children had been pelting stone 🪨 at a lunatic for very long time.he was hiding behind a Titanic 🌲 tree.

8.क्रोधित  भीड़  छेड़-छाड़ ‌के कारण  काफी देर से एक गुंडे की बुरी तरह पिटाई कर रही थी

The mob /rabble had been mauling a hooligan for very long time due to molestation.

9.‌एक होशियार पुलिस आफिसर ‌लंगडे भिखारी के भेष में सुबह से ही एक कुख्यात बदमाश का पीछा कर रहा था 

A prudent police officer had been stalking a notorious knave  since morning under the guise of a lame officerv

10.आवारा मवेशी एक सुने रेगिस्तान में काफी समय से स्वच्छ जल की तलाश में भटक रहे थे ।सुने रेगिस्तान में पानी की कमी होती है।

The stray cattle had been wandering in a stark desert for very long time.there is scarcity of water in deserted 🏜️ desert.


1.छोटा रास्ता short path

Bee line path

A 🚑 ambulance 

2.बात को बढ़ा चढ़ा कर कहना exaggerate 

Draw a long bow

The politicians 

3.बिखरे हुए क्रम में in disorder

In higgledy piggledy order

The children put books 

4.बिना कानुन का  न्यायलय court without law 

Kangaroo 🦘 court

Khap panchayat/muslim countries 

5.अपने आप को तीस मार खा समझना  assume oneself


Cat's whisker

Opulent people 

6.किसी को अपमानित द्रष्टि से देखना

See somebody with


The rich people ----the poor people 

Turn up nose 



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