Movie -----vadh ๐ŸŽฅ ----critic view by adv.pankaj joshi



This is very emotional  and heart ❤️ touching this movie two senile persons used live in a wonky house  with his son peacefully.their son has passed engineering examination .he wanted to go abroad . So he wanted to need some money .this is beyond that senile man's reach.but he had mortgaged his house  for heavy debt .his son had left for abroad for good to persue his studies .

Now a hooligan used to vex them to recover his given money .he used to come their house ๐Ÿก and drink ๐Ÿท there like a fish ๐ŸŸ..he used to meet one night ๐ŸŒ‰ stand with the girls there.the senile couple used to bother due to this bizarre condition.

One day he came their house and he kept evil eye over  a girl who is live in their neighborhood .she used to come here for studies.he began to force that old person to fulfil his evil intention .then old man killed him with a screw ๐Ÿช› driver .the profuse blood began to ooze from.his  wound.

That old man hacked him and put his pieces into a sack .he hired a tricycle  and disposed that corpse into a dense forest .he returned to his home and narrated the whole story before his wife.they tried to hush up that hush hush murder.

Now he wanted to destroy all the evidences of that murder. so he went to that isolated place and burnt ๐Ÿ”ฅ that body ๐Ÿ‘… to ashes .he grinded bones ๐Ÿฉป of that deceased into a flour mill to destroy evidences 

He went to police station ⛽ and tried to reveal the truth .the police did not rely on his veracity and the laughed out of the court over his story 

Now a police officer kept him under the cloud ๐ŸŒจ️ and he demanded a mobile from his possession.because there is objectionable clips in that mobile with a goon's wife.

One day he gave that mobile to that police office .the police officer hused up him and protected him prudently .he made sacpe goat ๐Ÿ that goon .that goon was in the jail due to this murder.

Now that senile couple had left that place for good and gave keys of his house ๐Ÿก to their neighborhood girl


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