Topic ----terrorism ๐ค by adv.pankaj joshi
Terrorism ---grave problem
terrorism is deep rooted and grave problem of the world .it is soaring day by day with sky rocketing speed ๐ . terrorism is become common scenario of the world ๐.now a days it is snowballing with lesps and bounds speed ๐ at every nook and corner due to blood thirsty mentality .
In some countries terrorism is engendered due to sordid and seamy mentality .it is ๐ mushrooming due to feelings of revenge .tooth fir a tooth and ๐️ eye for an eye has become rule of the country.
Such blood thirsty countries want to reign over other countries due to stick ๐ and ๐ฅ carrot approach .To create panic in other countries has become their ๐ bull's eye .such terrorists gun ๐ซ down the people without any rhyme and reason .the want to quench ๐งฏ thirst of their revenge under the guise of terrorism
Such terrorism is gulping progress of any other countries.this scary word is acid for the brotherhood and rapport for any other country.
In this way we can say that terrorism is akin to termite which is undermining our country from tip to toe .in this way terrorism is deep rooted problem of the world and it is following the nation ๐ in every sphere of life
Terrorism must be abolished from tip to toe it comes rain ☔ or shine . terrorism is sixty four ๐ dollar ๐ฐ question ❓ for every country .it must be given a good retort .it must be wiped out throughly .it must be given a sound reaction.
Such type of sanguinary person must be sent ๐ค to gallows .they must be pronounced rigourous punishment to such culprits.
Creation and presentation by adv.pankaj joshi
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