

1........Managing Director as  well as the board members ......... in favour of taking strict action against the striking workers.


पोस्ट से पहले  the आयेगा और  the managing director के  अनुसार  singular verb आयेगी 

b.the ,were

c.zero article,was

d.zero article,were

2...........coloumns of the newspaper are shabbily printed.

a.the last two

 यहां  last से  the पहले और बाद में  two आयेगा 

b.the two last

c.two last

d.last two

3.the moment Ram was admitted to...........hospital the warden decided to inform..... his parents.




d.zero article,zero preposition

 ‌ hospital , hospital का काम करने के कारण  zero article आयेगा और  inform के बाद  toनहीं आयेगा 

4............hill station is as............as Darjeeling with its scenic beauties.

a.no other,beautiful 

तुलना करने के कारण  no other आयेगा और  as ...as के मध्य positive degreeआयेगी 

b.no,more beautiful

c.no ,more beautiful,

d.no  other ,more beautiful

5.when shalini was in .......hospital her sister .........than his uncle.

a.the,send much fruit

b. the ,sent much fruits

c.zero article,sent more fruit--hospital  

वहीं काम करने के कारण zero article  आयेगा और तुलना करने के कारण  sent more fruitआयेगा 

d.the,send more fruit.

6.every leaf and every flower...........the glory of God.


every के कारण  singular verbआयेगी 


c.were proclaiming

d.are proclaiming

7.he was promoted to.......... before...,..... month of his resignation.

a.the rank of the colonel,a few

b.the rank of colonel,a few

 Colonel से पहले rank होने के कारण से  colonel पहले  the नहीं आयेगा और कुछ महीने  होने के कारण a few  आयेगा 

c.rank of colonel,few

d.rank of the colonel,few

8.we could not see the places.........as the train was moving very.........



यहां  clear में  ly आयेगा और fast में  ly नहीं आयेगा 

c.clear ,fastly


9.few people know that the climate of Shimla is........than ....Srinagar

A.good ,that of

B.better,that of---

 तुलना होने के कारण  better  आयेगा और तुलना जलवायु मे‌ होने के कारण  that of आयेगा 

C.better,no word needed

D.good ,no word needed 

10.you can get .............you want in this book.

Formula ---FB ----IAS 

Furniture +brick/bread+information+advice+stone 

पहले नही आयेगा और। बाद में नहीं आयेगा 

a.all the informations

b.the all informations

c.all the information --- 

information में कभी भी  sनहीं आयेगा 

d.the all information


write meaning of following phrases.

11.fly a kite

जनमत जानना

before purchase a land /car 

before  tie the knot with somebody

a.detected the facts

b.please the children

c.test  public opinion

d.enter into an agreement

12.achilles heel

किसी का कमजोर पक्ष

scarcity of water

a.major factor

b.satisfactory element

c,weak point

d,cause of failure

13.set the bait

जाल बिछाना

to poach the lions

a.laid the trap

b.announced the reward

c,set the record

d.put the bet

14.send him to coventry

नौकरी से निकाल देना 

due to manipulation in company

a.deal unkindly with

b.commend him

c.boycot him

d. dismiss him

15.down in the mouth

बहुत उदास


1.down in mouth+in the blues+long face 

due to failure in life

a.unable to speak

b.very depressed

c.very angry

d.very confused

16.in the red

खतरे में होना

a.making money

b.losing money

c.in danger

d.spending money

17.sit in judgeme


opposition will have to ------over any issue





18.break the ice

काम शुरू करना /बातचीत शुरू करना

with  unknown cotraveller 

a.cause harm

b.break free

c.initiate something

d.shatter peace

19.ran in the same groove

तालमेल‌ बिठाकर चलना

a.promoted each other

b.clashed with each other

c.moved in harmony

d.moved in different directions

20.to pull over someone eyes

धोखा देना

fraud calls ------withdraw money 

a.to deceive another

b.to keep a secret

c.to investigate

d. to reprimand

21.the people couldn't move me to the hospital and the doctor operated on me at home.

Could की passive  में  could be आयेगा

Operated की passive  में  was/were,+operatedआयेगा 

A.i couldn't be moved to the hospital and was operated on at home

B.i couldn't moved to the hospital and I had to be operated on at home

C.i couldn't be moved to the hospital and I was operated at home by the doctor

D.i couldn't be moved to the hospital by the people and operated on at home.

22.who can question 's Gandhi's integrity?

Who की passive में आयेगा

Can की passive में can be आयेगा 

A.by whom Gandhi's integrity can be questioned

B.by whom can Gandhi's integrity be questioned

C.Gandhi's integrity can be questioned by whom

D.who could have questioned Gandhi's integrity

23.one must keep one's promises.

Must की  passive में  must beआयेगा

By one नहीं लिखा जाता 

A.one's promises are kept

B.one's promises must be  kept by one 

C.one's promises were kept

D.one's promises must be kept

24.is the carpenter making a chair?

Is की passive में  is being+v3आयेगा 

A.is a chair made by the carpenter?

B.is a chair being made by the carpenter

C is a chair is being made by the carpenter

D .has a chair been made by the carpenter

25.surely the lost child must have been found by now.

Must have been की active  में must have  आयेगा 

A surely must have found the lost child by now

B.surely someone must have found the lost child by now

C.surely now must have found the lost child

D.now must have found the lost child .

26....... you turned .....detective that you keep your eyes on me like this?

A.have ,zero article -- you के  साथ  have आयेगा और turn  के बाद कोई article नहीं आता है

B.has ,zero article

C .did ,a

D.have ,a

27............should be ......in diet of a pregnant woman.

A.fruit and vegetables,included

 Fruit में s नहीं आयेगा और  vegetables हमेशा  sआयेगा .should की  passive में should+v3आयेगा 

B.fruits and vegetables,included

C.fruit and vegetable,include

D.fruit and vegetables,include 

28.my grandfather .........by his friend for his ......

A .was appreciated ,honesty---‌व  वाक्य passive का होने के कारण was+v3 आयेगा और noun  के रुप honesty  आयेगा 

B.appreciated. , honesty

C.was appreciated ,honestness

D.was appreciate,honestness

29.there are so ........filths all around the place.

A.much ----filth uncountable noun होगा के कारण  much आयेगा 




30.Akabar was one of  the finest kings ........India ever had.

A.that--- superlative degree का प्रयोग होने के कारण that  आयेगा 





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