WRITE ACTIVE TO PASSIVE AND VICE VERSA  1.James Cameron directed the titanic.

a.the titanic has been directed by James Cameron.

b.the titanic was directed by James Cameron.

c.James Cameron had directed the Titanic.

d.James Cameron has been directing the Titanic.

2.Mr.Dutta teaches us English .

a.English is taught to us by Mr. Dutta .

b.we are being taught English by Mr.Dutta. Mr.Dutta we are taught english.

d.we have been taught English by Mr.Dutta

3.has the postman not delivered the letter?

A.has the letter been delivered by the postman?

B.has the letter not been delivered by the postaman? the letter delivered by the postaman?

d.the postamn has not delivered the letter.

4.John is building a new cupboard .

a.John has been building a new cupboard .

b.a new cupboard is being built by John .

c.a new cupboard is been built by john.

d.John 'S new cupboard is being built

5.someone will pay you next monday. would be paid next Monday.

b.someone will be paying you next monday will be paid next monday.

d.someone is going to pay you next monday.

6.Drinking is ruining his life gradually .

a.his life was being ruined gradually by drinking.

b.his life is ruined by gradual drinking.

c.gradually his life is ruined because of drinking problem

d.Drinking problems caused the gradual ruin of his life.

7.a small epitaph had been laid out by them in his memory.

a.they laid out a small epitaph.

b.they had laid out a small epitaph in his memory.

c.they were laying out in his memory , a small epitaph.

d.they lay out a small epitaph in his memory.

8.the nurse is giving food to the sick boy.

a.the sick boy is given food by the nature.

b.the sick boy gets food from the nurse.

c.the sick boy is being given food by the nurse. is given to the sick boy by the nurse.

9.our parents have taught us to behave properly.

a.we have been taught to behave properly by our parents.

b.we were taught how not to behave properly by our parents .

c. our parents taught us how to behave properly

d.our parents have been teaching us how to behave properly.

10.why did your father refuse such an honourable job?

a.why was such an honourable job denied by your father?

b.why does your refused such an honourable job?

c.why is such an honourable job refused by your father?

d.why was such an honourable job refused by your father?

write direct to indirect and vice versa

11.i said to him,"you are wrong."

a.i told him how wrong he was.

b.i told him that he was wrong.

c.i said that he was wrong.

d.i told him that he is wrong.

12.he said to me ,"you are late."

a.he said to me that you were late.

b.he said to me that i was late.

c.he told me that i was late.

d.he told me that you were late.

13.the teacher said,"be quiet and listen to my words."

a.the teacher said to stop talking and listen to her words.

b.the students were told be quiet and listen to her words.

c.the teacher asked the students to be quiet and listen to her words.

d.the teacher shouted students listen to my words and be quiet.

14.he said that the book was very interesting.

a.he said,"this book is very interesting."

b.he said,"this book has been very interesting."

c.he said,"this book had been very interesting ."

d.he sais,"this book would be very interesting.'"

15.she said that,"i have bought a new car."

a.she told him that she would buy a new a car.

b.she told him that a new car has been bought by her 

c. she told him that she had bought a new car.

d.she told him that she has bought a new car.

16."i love chocolate ,"said Angela.

a.Angela said that she loves chocolate.

b.Angela said that she loved chocolate.

c.Angela said that she loves chocolate.

d.Angela said she loved chocolate.

17."do you know that man,"Ravi asked his friend.

a.Ravi asked his friend he knew or not that man.

B.Ravi ask is friend if he knows that man.

C.Ravi asked his friend whether he knew that man.

D.Ravi asked his friend whether he knows that man.

18.i asked him whether he had not promised to come.

a.i asked him,"did you come? you promise ."

b.i said to him ,"did you not promise to come?"

c.i said to him ,"do you not promise to come?"

d.i said,"did i ask you ,not to come?"

19.Rahul said,"what have you been searching for all these hours?"

a.Rahul asked me what i was searching for all these days.

b.Rahul asked me what i had been searching for all those hours.

d.Rahul said that what you had been searching for all these hours.

20.he said to the children,"come to the park with me."

a.he invited the children to come to the park with me.

b.he invited the children to come to the park with  him

c.i invited the children to come to the park with me.

d.i invited the children to come to the park with us


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