Fill in the blanks  with appropriate grammar

1.the man ........they thought to be a gentleman is a rogue.

Pronoun बाद में आने के कारण whom आयेगा 



C which


2.this is one of the best suggestions .........have been made by you.

Superlative degree the best का प्रयोग होने के कारण thatआयेगा 



C .who


3.may I know .....you want to see please.

Pronoun you आने के कारण whom आयेगा 



C which


5.a woman can do everything.......a man can do 

Everything का प्रयोग होने के कारण  that आयेगा 



C .who


6.it is difficult to say ......is the better of the two brothers.

चयन होने के कारण संजीव संज्ञाओं  के साथ ‌भी which आयेगा 

A which


C .whom

D that 

7..........villages in Bihar have dispensaries 

थोड़े से के अर्थ में or countable noun  साथ  a fewआयेगा 

A.a few



D.the few

8... ....men are free from fault 

थोड़े से अर्थ में or countable noun  साथ  a few आयेगा 

A few

B .a few

C the few

D fewer

9.if you spend .....rupees you can get good pens

थोड़े के अर्थ में के or countable noun  साथ  a few आयेगा 

A.a few 


C.the few


10....... knowledge is a dangerous thing

थोड़े से अर्थ में  or uncountable noun साथ  a little आयेगा 


B.a little 

C.the little


Fill in the blanks with appropriate grammar

11. You should .........the thieves as soon as possible.

A.make after पीछा करना 

B .make for

C.make of

D.make off

Answer a

12.if you ......your notes ,you will get success.

A look through गहराई से पढ़ना 

B.look at

C.look for

D.look up

13.this significant meeting must be .......due to cats and dogs rain.

A.called off स्थगित करना ‌

B.called for

C .called at

D.called in

14.we have  to .......human being

A bank on भरोसा करना 

B.bank for

C .bank to

D .bank at

15.the opposition is........the ruling party.

A.lashing into आड़े हाथों लेना 

B lashing out

C.lashing off

D lashing of

16.write active passive and vice versa

16.i know that he did the work.

Did की  passive में was/were +v3आयेगा 

A.that the work was done by him is known to me.

B.that the work is done by him is known to me.

C.that he did the work is known by me

D.that he did the work is known to me.

17.open the window.

आदेशात्मक वाक्यों में  letआयेगा

A.the window must be opened

B.the window will be opened 

C.the window is opened

D.let the window be opened.

18.people say that he is spy.

यहां that तक वाक्य अपरिवर्तित और  people say की जगह it is said 

A.it was said that he is spy .

B.it is said by people that he is spy

C.it has been said that he is spy.

D.it is said that he is a spy.

19.none likes him.

By none नहीं लिखा जाता है 

V1/v5 की  passive में is/am/are+v3आयेगा 

A.he is liked by none.

B.he was not liked by anyone

C.he has not been liked by anyone

D.he is not liked by anyone.

20.where do you keep the current magazine ?

Do की passive में  is/am/are+v3आयेगा 

A.where were the current magazines kept?

B.where have the current magazines been kept?

C.where are the current magazines being kept?

D.where are the current magazines kept by you.

21.if I .......Zubin,I would not attend the wedding.

If की  impossible condition में सभी के साथ wereआयेगा 





22.unless aid arrives within the next few weeks, thousands .........

Unless के दुसरे वाक्य में  will आयेगा 

A.are starving

B.were starving

C.will starve

D.have been starving 

23.if you had told me,I .........you solve the problem


If की improbable  condition होने के कारण दुसरे भाग में  would have +V3 आयेगा 

A.will have helped

B.would have helped

C.will help

D.would help 

24. I will meet him when he ...........

यहां  when के बाद  willनहीं आयेगा   कभी conjunction बाद will नहीं आता है 

A.will come


C.will have come


25.during the last few years the company .......hard to modernise it's image.

During +period of time के बाद  present perfect आयेगा



C.is working hard

D.has worked

26.a piece of cake HINT ---magic  by magician 

आसान काम 

a.something serious

b.something difficult

c.something easy

d.something amusing

27.eat humble pie hint---when son  was purchasing booze and father reached 

कांटों तो खुश नहीं 

a.make noise while eating

b. eat less food

c.eat some thing which is not tasty

d.admit that you are wrong

28.all ears.hint----surmon of the Gita 

ध्यान से सुनना

a.trying to listen

b.not able to listen

c.not waiting to listen

d.ready to listen

29.in the same boat Hint---middle class families --economical problem 

एक जैसी समस्या का सामना करना 

a.getting married

b.escaping something together

c.doing something in a team

d.sharing the same problem

30.cut and dried Hint----to polish up English 

बना बनाया तरीका

a. very old

b.already decided

c.badly hurt

d. dead and gone


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