Direct to indirect part 3

यदि वाक्य में said to  हो तो told  में बदल  जायेगा और tense बदलने के rule पहले वाले होंगे 

1.she said to me, "I  complete my domestic chores."

She told me she completed her domestic chores.

2.he said to him," you are  assaying of his latent talent.'

He told him that he was assaying of his latent talent. said to them ,"I have exculpated a criminal".

You told them that you had exculpated a criminal.

4.he said to them ,"I have been perjuring since cold blooded murder."

He told them that he had been perjuring since cold blooded murder.

5. You said to us,"we assaulted them ruthlessly"

You told us that you had assaulted them ruthlessly .

6.she said to me,"you were tearing your time."

She told me that I had been tearing my tome .

1.tense or pronoun संबंधित उपरोक्त नियमों का पालन होगा।

2.conjuction if or whether आयेगा 

3.interrogative sentence affirmative sentence में बदल‌ जायेगा।

4.Reporting verb asked में बदल‌ जायेगी


1.he said to him,"do you rely on voo -doo now?"

He asked him if he relied on voo doo then.

2.she said to me,"are you selling your house ?"

She asked me if I was selling my house.

3.they said to us ,"have you altercates with your neighbour?"

They asked us if we have altercates with our neighbour

4.she said to him,"did you wallop him."

She told him that I had walloped him.

Asked---if /whether---affirmative sentences


2.यदि वाक्य when ,why how where,who से शुरू हो तो conjunction wh ही आयेगा 

1.she  said to him,"why did you scold him?"

She asked him why he had scolded him.

2. They said to me,"when  have we  damaged your car ?

They asked me when they had damaged my car .

3. She said to me,"who robbed my coffer?"

She asked me that who had robbed her coffer 


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