Passive voice part 6
1.यदि वाक्य का structure निम्न प्रकार का हो तो उसकी passive निम्न प्रकार बनेगी।
1.यदि वाक्य present or past में है तो केवल it is +V3 or it was+V3 लिखा जायेगा।
1.everyone know that the educational system is bad.
It is known that the educational system is bad
2.they believed that Mr.sharma was ribald.
It was believed that Mr.Sharma was ribald.
दूसरे तरीके से passive निम्न प्रकार बनेगी
That तक वाक्य अपरिवर्तित रहेगा
उसके बाद वाले वाक्य में V3 or to be आयेगा।
1.people say that he is a brigand
He is said to be a brigand.
2.the student consider that the teachers are wise
The teachers are considered to be wise
यदि वाक्य का structure निम्न प्रकार का हो तो passive निम्न प्रकार बनेगी
1.sub +verb +that+ clause
इस वाक्य में that +sub+verb को हटाकर to लिखना है।
इस वाक्य में want or like आयेगा
1.she wants that she should be respected.
She wants to be respected.
2.veena likes that she should not be insulted .
Veena likes not to be
यदि वाक्य में select elect appoint made का प्रयोग होतो by sub नही आयेगा।
1.they elected him secretary.
He was elected secretary.
2.they made him general
He was made him general
3.we appointed him cashier.
He was appointed cashier.
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