3.,phrase part 3

1.kick our heels+at railway station when train is late 

A fun fast

B.wait eagerly

C waste time

D.play some game

2.call in question---opposition party always ----ruling party 




D.take note of

3.made my flesh creep+saw ghost in dark pitch night 

A.worried me

B.frightened me

C.confused me

D.drew my attention

4.a duck in thunderstorm+when a child strayed from his parents in fair 





5 hanky panky tricks+by a magician amid mammoth thron 





6.queer fish+three idiots professor of Amir khan

A.funny person

B.senitive person

C.strange person 

D.quarrelsome person

7.in the offing+ winter season 

A.at the end

B.about to start

C.on decline

D.in the air

8.stick out his neck+someone travel on top of bus and train 

A.extended help

B.took an oath

C .caused embarrassment

D.took a risk 

9.at stake+a poor 's career due to abysmal poverty 

A inevitable

B.at the top


D.in danger 

10.throw cold water+kith and kin try -----demotivate someone 

A .encouraged




11.make my mouth water+having seen delicious sweet 

A.make me sick

B makes me giddy

C.makes me vomit

D.stimulates my appetite 

12.shop lifter+is a common scenario during festivals 

A.daily visitor

B.buyer of all new things


D.a thief in guise of customer

13.cut gordian knot+to abrogate article 370 /triple talaque 

A.to solve a difficult problem

B.to be victorious

C to break ties with someone

D.to defeat a powerful person

14.swan song +last song of Lata mangeshkar/last film of sridevi 

A.music as sweet as a song of birds

B .to be under one's subjugation

C.praise of a woman by a lover

D .last work of a poet or musician before death

15.a square peg in a round hole +ILLITERATE person become MLA,MP OR SARPANCH

A an impossible task

B.a scheme that never works

C .a person unsuited to the position he fills

D .to trouble others

16.a jaundiced eye+some time during selection due to caste and creed

A jealousy

B a generous view

C angry

D prejudice

17.to rip up old sores+in village the villagers during altercation 

A.to revive a quarrel which was almost forgotten

B to censure  someone in strong terms

C.to strain one's thought

D .to preserve oneself from harm

18.to accept the gauntlet+an aspirant must .......to become an officer 

A.to accept defeat

B.to accept a Challenge

C.to suffer humiliation 

D.to accept an honour

19.to give the ghost+eternal truth of life 

A.to die

B.to make false appearance

C .to terrify others

D.to live in quiet and comfort

20.adam's ale+essential for life for creature and flora and fauna 

A water

B grace

C .wine 

D pleasure 


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