Conjunction short notes

 Conjunction short notes


1.lest के साथ  should ‌आयेगा और not नहीं आयेगा

2.when /whenever के बाद  will नहीं आयेगा 

I will help you when/whenever you call me 

3.since CONJUCTION के रूप में आये तो‌ एक वाक्य present indefinite or दुसरा वाक्य  present perfect  में लिखा जायेगा 

Present perfect+since+past indefinite 

I have brought a car since you gave money .

4.since/as/because से वाक्य शुरू  हो तो उस वाक्य में इसलिए को दिखाने वाला thus/hence/therefore/so शब्द नहीं आयेगा 

Since /as/because I am poor ,I cannot deposit my fee के बाद  शब्द आयेगा or as के बाद  एक पुरा वाक्य आयेगा 

I will  invite my friends to my birth day party like Ram,Shayam and Ravi

I will express my heartiest gratitude to him as he helped me body and soul if or as though के बाद  शब्द है तो were आता है 

He orders me as if/as though he were my boss. if or as though पुरा वाक्य है। तो  had+v3 आता है 

He slapped me as if /as though I had stolen his mobile कारण  that परिणाम बताता है 

I am so poor that I cannot deposit my fee

9.too  के बाद    to+v1 वाक्य में नकारात्मकता ‌बताता है 

I am too poor to deposit my fee.

10.yet present perfect negative  में काम आता है इसका अर्थ होगा अभी तक 

You have not deposit your fee yet.

11 still present continuous में आयेगा  और इसका अर्थ होगा अभी भी 

He is still sleeping .

12.already present perfect tense  में आयेगा इसका अर्थ होगा पहले  से ही

I have already transferred money into you bank.

13.although /though के साथ yet  आयेगा but नहीं आयेगा

Although you are poor yet you are lenient 


Nor/either .....or

A. इनके साथ दोनो‌ noun singular है तो verb singular आयेगी 

Neither Ram nor going to school.

B. इनके साथ दोनो‌

Noun pluralहै   तो‌verb plural आयेगी 

Neither my friends nor my relatives are helping me 

C.यदि noun singular or दुसरा noun  plural हो तो‌ plural noun or/nor के साथ  आयेगा verb plural  आयेगी 

Neither Ram nor his friends are going to the picnic


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