Direct indirect part 3

1.यदि वाक्य में  मे impossible condition हो तो would be or wished  आयेगा।

She said," if she were a queen

She wished that she would be a queen


2. वाक्य में had to हो तो had had to आयेगा

He said to me," I had to  beat him"


यदि वाक्य let से शुरु हो तो वाक्य में प्रस्ताव हो तो reporting verb proposed to or suggested to आयेगी ।और या तो should आयेगा या to+v1 आयेगा

1.she said to me,"let us go to market."

She suggested to me to go to market


She suggested to me that we should go to market


यदि वाक्य में  इच्छा हो तो rv wished आयेगा 

She said to me ,"let me take an ice-cream."

She wished me to take an ice cream


She wished me that she should take an ice Cream

यदि वाक्य में order or request का भाव हो तो rv requested or ordered आयेगी और conjunction to allow आयेगा

1.the student said to the teacher," let me go home now."

The student requested  the teacher to allow him go home than.

2.the Principal said to the peon,"let the students come in

The Principal ordered to the peon to the students come in

वाक्य में अधुरी घटना हो तो tense नहीं बदलेगा 

She said to me,"when I saw her,she was writing a letter.

She told me when she saw her ,she was writing a letter 



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