Grammar topic pronoun
1.i ,my ,me ,we,us,our --
इनको 1 St person pronoun कहते हैं।,you,your इनको 2 nd person कहा जाता है।
3.he his him she her her they their them it's इनको 3 Rd person कहा जाता है।
1.i ,we ,you,they ,she ,he
इनको subjective or nominative case कहा जाता है। ,us,you ,them,her,him
इनको objective case कहा जाता है,our,your,their,her,his इनको possessive pronoun कहा जाता है।
3.जानवर और व्यक्ति का एक साथ प्रयोग होतो वहां that आयेगा ।
1.Ram and his dog that have entered an in barricaded by the people .
2.Rani and her cat that were making nuisance in restaurant were being booted out.
What ot who के बाद हमेशा that आयेगा।
1.what is the matter that you cannot unravel.
2.who was there that you tussling with.
3.reflexive pronoun or apostrophe का प्रयोग एक साथ नहीं हो सकता है ।यहां सजीव संज्ञाओ के साथ भी of आयेगा।
1.Sarla is daughter of my erudite Principal who will elope with me
2.Ram is son of my stringent Principal who will ravish me from altar .
Aphostrophe*relative pronoun.
Reflexive pronoun ----जब किसी pronoun में self or selves लगा दिया जाये तो reflexive pronoun कहलाता है।
निम्न लिखित शब्दों के साथ हमेशा reflexive pronoun आयेगा
1.REVENGE---बदला लेना
2.RESIGN स्तीफा देना
3.ENJOY आंनद उठाना
4.EXERTमेहनत करना
5.AVAIL फायदा उठाना
6.ABSENT अनुपस्थिति रहना
7.APPLY आवेदन करना
8.DEVOTE समर्पित करना
9.SACRIFICE कुर्बानी देना
10.PROSTRATE दंडवत प्रणाम करना
11.INTRODUCEपरिचय करवाना
12.PRESENT उपस्थित होना
13.CONFINE कैद करना
1.he had prostrated himself before I bowed before God. should avail yourself of this golden opportunity.
3.she has confined herself in a stuffy room to commit suicide.
Preposition के बाद pronoun का हमेशा OBJECTIVE case आयेगा should distribute sipid mangoes between him and her
2.they should not shout at you and me.
Let के बाद pronoun का objective case ही आयेगा
1.let him scrutiny this cryptic documents.
2.let me handle this grave case with kid gloves
Gerund के बाद हमेशा objective case आयेगा।
1.taking him to sappy garden is not pleasant work for me
2.beating him black and blue is not praise worthy for you.
Gerund से पहले हमेशा possessive case आयेगा should not wait for his coming.
2.i will wait for your beating .
जब एक collective noun एकमत होकर काम करेतो verb singular or pronoun its आता है।
1. The crew revolted and murdered it's captain.
2.the army has gunned down him with its guns.
3.the fleet will reach its destination within three months.
जब collective noun divide हो जाये तो verb plural or pronoun their आयेगा।
1.the crowd are taking their sticks to attack police.
2.the audience are taking their refreshment at their leisure
4. ,your ,
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