Pronoun part 2

 जब  तीन singular pronoun लिखे जाते हैं और घटना सामान्य हो तो उनके लिखने का क्रम 231 होगा। ,he and I have extricated   the wounded people from a mangled bus. ,he and I will take the leaf from his book to garner dizzy height.

यदि घटना आपराधिक हो तो 123 का क्रम होगा

1.i ,he and you will molest a damsel at Carfax.

2.i ,you and he have been damaging his car since morning 

यदि वाक्य में कर्ता के रूप में  I St person  हो तो result part में our आयेगा नहीं तो your आयेगा। and I will sell our commodious and sterile field at dirt cheap. and he will consume you refreshment at your leisure/flexi hours.


यदि वाक्य में दो  कर्ता either.  Or ,neither nor ,or से जोड़ दिए जाते ‌है तो pronoun his आता है her आ सकता है 

दोनों pluralहो तो their आता है।

एक कर्ता singular हो दुसरा plural हो तो theirआता है।

1.either Ram or Ramesh is accomplishing  his task at snail pace 

2.either Ram or his friends are taking their notes to take the cake .

3.either my relatives or my friends are  pawning their roomy field .


कभी भी conjunction or relative pronoun साथ नहीं आयेगा

1.this is my best car but which is very expensive.

2.Ram is my best friend and who is too arrogant .

इसी प्रकार each ,every,either or neither के साथ कभी भी their नहीं आयेगा । हमेशा his आता है her आसकता है।

1.each of students pays obeisance to his teachers.

2.either of two girls will consume her yummy dinner

3.neither of two citizens has cast his vote for robust democracy.


Reflexive pronoun कभी भी subject के रुप में नहीं आयेगा

Myself Ramesh Sharma and I belong to/hail from Rajasthan .


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