
 1.he asked me ...........Mukesh ..........gone.


B.whether,has ----sentence indirect का होने के कारण क्षwhether or has आयेगा 



2. She was so I'll ........she ..........not walk.


B.as , could 

C.that ,can 

D.that ,could के बाद  that आयेगा or sentence past का होने के कारण  could  आयेगा 

3.some people ....... me .......I

Am very successful artist.


B.envy, because  people  होने के कारण v1  आयेगा or‌ विरोधाभास होने के कारण  because आयेगा 



4.his friend was not only fined......

A.but also sent to jail --not only होने के कारण  but also  आयेगा or jail  से पहले‌ zero Article  आयेगा 

B.but also sent to the jail

C.and also sent to jail

D.and also send  to jail

5 he will do this if  he .......

A.is allowed ---if condition होने के कारण present indefinite  की passive voice आयेगी 




6.the candidate's performance was not upto .......mark in ...... interview.

A.the,the दोनो‌ जगह the आयेगा 



D.zero article,zero article

7........person I met in ...... theatre was the playwright himself.

A a,a

B.the,the  विशेष होने के कारण ‌the  आयेगा or theatre  से पहले the  आयेगा 

C.a, the


8.if you ......to ...... Pakistan by .......road it  take more than twenty four hours from Delhi.


B go, zero article,a

B.will go,the,the

D go,zero article,zero article ---ifकी  condition होने‌के कारण  present indefinite go आयेगा /Pakistan ‌से पहले‌zero article आयेगा /by or road  के बीच में zero article  आयेगा 

9.mr.Gupta is on .......leave .so you will have to step .....his shoes for .........days.


B.zero article ,into,a few

On or leave के बीच ‌मे zero article आयेगा  ,step के बाद  into आता  है,days ‌से‌ पहले‌ a few  आयेगा 

C.the,in ,a few 

10.mr.Ghosh is .......honour to ........ teaching profession.

A.an,the---- honour से पहले‌ an ,teaching  से पहले the  आयेगा 

B.a,zero article

C.an ,zero article

D.the ,the 

11..........Prime minister .......that .........young should be encouraged to join.......Army 


B the ,wants,the,the

Prime minister  से पहले the,young  से पहले the Army से पहले  the or verb wants  आयेगी 

C .A,wants,a,an

D.A,wants,the ,An

12.who ordered ......... soldiers to turn to........left 


B.the ,the--- soldiers  से पहले  और the ,left  से पहले the /right से पहले the आयेगा 


D.zero article ,zero Article

13.for many students....... Mathematics is not an easy subject.your mathematics ........good.you are good ..... mathematics.



C.the ,is,in

D.zero article,are,at mathematics  से‌ पहले zero article ,your mathematics के बाद  are ,good  के बाद at  आयेगा 

14.if you go out without.... umbrella you .......get drenched.



C.an,no word

D.an,will  umbrella  से‌ पहले an ,if condition में will  आयेगा 

15........ furniture ........bought for the office.

A .a,has been

B.the,has been

C zero article,has been furniture से पहले‌ zero Article ,verb singular ‌आयेगी 

D .the,have been

16.people ...........,......gold is .......sacred metal.

A.considsers ,the,a

B.consider,zero article,a

People के बाद v1 ,gold से पहले‌ zero article or sacred से पहले  a आयेगा 

C .consider ,the ,the


17.it is needless to say that .......honest man .........

A.an ,is admired honest के पहले an or sentence passive‌मे होने‌ के कारण is admired आयेगा 

A.an ,is admired 

B .a,admire


D.an ,is being admire 

18.the good thing about her is that she always ..........

A.goes for the best ---she goes or best से पहले‌ the ‌आयेगा

B goes for a best

C go for a best

D.goes for best

19.the ball ........him on .......head two hours ago 

A hitted,the

B.hitted ,an

C hit ,the ---head से पहले‌ the or hit 

D.hit,zero article

20.you can read in ........history how........ English defeated ....... French 


B.zero article,the,the history से पहले  zero Article ,english or French  से पहले the आयेगा 

C.zero article,zero article,zero Article

D.the ,the ,the best

21.i ...........go to .......church on Sunday when I was in Mumbai.

A.was used to ,the

B.used to, zero article भुतकाल  की आदत के लिए श्रused to or church से पहले  zero article  आयेगा 

C .ought to,the 

D.used to,zero article 

22.hard work is bound to ...... Your health

A.affect to  के बाद verb affectआयेगी




23.every night I am in ......habit of ...... The new on .......Radio 


B.the, listening,the --habit से पहले  the आयेगा   radio से‌ पहले  the or ध्यान  से सुनने‌ के लिए listen आयेगा 

C.the, listening,zero article

D.a, listening,the 

24.there was such .....crowd that he........ not find his brother.

A.a,could  such के बाद ‌a or भुतकाल  का वाक्य होने के कारण could not आयेगा 


C.no word,can

D no word ,may

25.according  to......... television it ........rain this night

A.the,may  टेलीविजन से‌पहले‌ the  आयेगा or may ‌ संभावना के लिए may आयेगा 



D no word ,may

26.we must try to .............bad customs.

A.do away with समाप्त करना 

B do away in

C.do away to

D do away at

27.his down to earth image ..............by his friends.

A .was cried up  प्रशंसा करना

B.cried up

C.cry up

D cries up

28.this scheme..........due to lack of funds.

A.will be fallen through असफल हो जाना 

B.will fall through

C.fall through

D.falls through

29.you must ..........this case with brimful integrity.

A.go through  अच्छी तरह जांच पड़ताल करना 

B.went through

C.go at 

D. Went at

30.we are coming by .......car .we ..............in dark pitch night.

A.a,had been held up

B.zero article,had been held up

By or car zero article 

Sentence passive मे‌ है‌ had been आयेगा 

बंधक बनाकर लुटना

C.zero article,had held up

D.a,held up 



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