Active passive part 1

 Passive of interogative sentence you reap /harvest standing crops with a sickle?

Are standing crops reaped /harvested by you with a sickle ?

2.are you chiseling his latent talent 

Is his latent talent being chiseled by you

3.has she relied on superstitions and myth?

Have superstitions and myth been relied on by you

4.did you cope with stiff


Cope up with

Were stiff riddles coped

 with by you?

5.were they hatching/orchestrate ruse by you 

Was ruse being hatched by them to decimate you 

6.had you brother

 committed heist

Had heist been committed by your brother 

7.will you stake /wager your copious estate

Will your copious estate be staked /wagered by you

8.will he resurrect a corpse

Will a corpse be resurrected by him


Wh की passive में wh अपनी जगह पर ही रहेगा

1.why does he narrate a bizarre story 

Why is a bizarre story narrated by him are you polishing up/brushing up your slipshod english

How is your slipshod english being polished up by you

3.why has she dumped her  neonate baby into dense woods?

Why has her neonate baby been dumped into dense woods by her

4.why did you wind up your moribund business

Why was your moribund business wounded up by you

5.where had he entombed a corpse?

Where had a corpse been entombed by him

6.where will you foot your bill

Where will your bill be footed by you 


Who की passive by whom से बनेगी

1.who rustled my calf by stealth

By whom was my calf rustled by stealth

2.who torn a glossy page from my slender diary

By whom was a glossy page torn from my slender diary

3.who instigated my choleric father

By whom was my choleric father instigated 


आदेशात्मक वाक्यों में let से  passive बनेगी

1.let the ajar door

Let the ajar door be latched treasure trove

Let treasure trove be searched

3.pluck bloomy roses in sappy garden with shaky hands

Let bloomy roses be plucked in sappy garden with shaky hands 

4.evacuate my wonky house

Let my house be evacuated 



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