
when a computer protects instructions,having understood  given instructions in a programs .computer takes its decisions ,having understood needs of future and works according to needs of future.this system is known as artificial intelligence .the machines can communicate with one another by artificial intelligence.

the thinktank policy commission of central government will frame national artficial intelligence program .triple layers artificial inteligence program had been prepared by china .owing to this program china will think of blazing a trail.

artificial intelligence program had been started in 1950 .the meaning of artficial intelligence is developed intellectual  capacity by artificial method .computer or robotic system had been prepared on the basis of arguments akin to  human brain.this system had been developed by jhon macrotho and this field is tantamount to intelligent machines .this is like a software which is controlled by by controlled robot under artificial intelligence computer.

many hollywood movies had been made over this subject like star war,matrix,i robot .terminator,blade runner.this system had defeated the great chess player Gari casporov .

the government encourages this technology body and soul.a committee had been constituted which has been presided by Rajiv Kumar.Representative of government,educational field and industry will be included .480 million dollar will be provided to the fifth generation technology start up.the government is encouraging artificial intelligence,robotics,digital manufacturing ,big data intelligence real time data and quantum communications.

artificial intelligence had been started in 1950 and recognised in 1970.the first step had been initiated in 1981 as fifth generation plan.Alvi project had been made by Britain and Aspirit project had been started by European countries.


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