rotation of active passive and direct and indirect

1.he wants someone to take photograph .

यदि वाक्य में to+V1 हो तो to be+V3 /want /like के वाक्य अपरिवर्तित रहेगा 

1.he wants photograph to be taken by someone.

b.photograph to have been taken

c.photographs are taken

 d.photographs are taken the doctor

आदेशात्मक वाक्यों में let आयेगा और to be +V3 वाक्य के आखिर में 

a.tell the doctor to come

b.let the doctor be called

c.let not the doctor be called

d.ask the doctor to call

3.has any body done all the work?

Has / have/had/will have ----has/have/had/will have +been 

a.have all the work been done by somebody

b.somebody has done all the work

c.the work has been done by somebody

d.has all the work been done by somebody

4.who taught you grammar ?

Whoकी passive by whom से बनेगी whom you were taught grammar whom were you taught grammar whom was grammar you taught whom were grammar taught to you is impossible to do this.

To+v1 की passive to be+v3आयेगा

a.doing this is impossible

b.this is impossible to be done

c.this must not be done

d.this cannot be done

6. we must respect the elders.

Must/can /should/might/may/ought to/used to -----be+V3 आयेगा 

a.the elders deserve respect from us

b.the elders must be respected

c.the elders must be respected by us

d.respect the elders we must

7.please shut the door and go to sleep 

Request वाले वाक्यों में kindly or please शब्द हठ जायेंगे और you are requested toसे passive बनेगी 

a.the door is tobe shut and you are to go to sleep

b.let the door be shut and you be sleep are requested to shut the door and go to sleep

d.the door is to be shut and you are requested to sleep

8.they said that the earth is round.

यदि वाक्य की शुरुआत noun/pronoun+v1/v5/V2 +that हो तो उत्तर में it is said or it was said होगा has been said that the earth is round

b.that the earth is round is said by them is said that the earth is round was said that the earth is round

9.the students were laughing at the old man.

a.the old man was being laughed at by the students

b.the old man was laughed at by the students

c.the old man was being laughed by the students

d.the old man is laughing at the students.

10.quinine tastes bitter.

ऐसे वाक्यों में whenवाला उत्तर होगा।

a.quinine is bitter when it is tasted

b.quinine is bitter tasted

c,the taste of quinine is bitter

d.quinine is tasted bitter. should keep one's promise.

ऐसे वाक्यों में passiveमे। One or one's नहीं आयेगा's promise should be kept by us's promise has to be kept

c.a promise should be keeping

d.a promise should be kept

12.i know him

मानसिक क्रिया में by  नहीं आयेगा


a.he is known by me

b.he was known to me

c.he has been known by me

d.he is known to me

13.whom does he look for

Whom की passive में  who or by object लिखा जायेगा 

a.he is looked after for whom

b.who is looked after for him

c.who is looked for by him

d.he is looked after by whom is time to take tea

It is time की passive में for or to be+V3  वाक्य के आखिर में जायेगा was time that tea was taken is time for tea to be taken is time that tea should be taken is time that tea had been taken must have purchased a new house

Must/should/might/may/could/would have की passive में modal+been+v3आयेगा

a.a new house must have been purchased by you

b.must have a new house been purchased by you

c.a new house must have been purchased

d.a new house must have purchased    

direct to indirect and vice versa 

16.they said to him,"we will destroy your home."

Will -would/can -could/may--might/shall--would/shouldआयेगा

a.they said to him they will destroy his home.

b.they told him they would be  destroy their homestead

b.they told him that they can destroy his homestead

d.they told him that they would destroy his homestead

17.he said ,"i go for a walk every morning."

आदतन काम/कहावत/गणित तथ्य/सार्वभौमिक सत्य/वैज्ञानिक तथ्य का tense नहीं बदलेगा 

a.he said that he goes for a walk everymorning

b.he said that he went for a walk everymorning

c.he asked that he had gone for a walk everymorning

d.he said that he go for a walk  everymorning

18.Ram told Krishna ,"where are you going today"

प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों में asked ,if/whether/affirmative sentence आयेगा 

a.Ram asked krishan as to where he was going that day

b.Ram asked krishna where was he going the next day

C.Ram asked krishana where was he going the next day

D.Ram asked krishana where was he going the day before

19.he said ,"what a fool Tom is!

विस्मयबोधक वाक्यों में what or how नहीं आयेगा और‌ exclaimed with surprise/surprise/astonish लिखा जायेगा 

a.he exclaimed that he was a big fool

b.he exclaimed that  Tom was a big fool

c.he wondered what kind of a fool Tom was

d.he claimed that Tom was a big fool Principal told me,"do not conduct any test tomorrow.

चेतावनी -warn,राय-advise, आदेश -order,मनाई-forbid, आयेगा principal told me not to conduct any test tomorrow principal told me not to conduct any test tomorrow principal ordered me donot conduct any test principal ordered me not to conduct test the next day

21.he said."may  you long live."

आशीर्वाद/अभिशाप -‍may का ‍might हो जायेगा may ना भी हो तो might आयेगा  rv wished/prayed

a.he suggested that my life might be long

b.he prayed that my life might be long

c.he prayed that my life may be long

d.he declared that my life is longer

22.i said to my brother ,"let us go to some hill station for a change."

प्रस्ताव ----proposed to/suggested to or that .....should आयेगा 

a.i asked my brother to go to some hill station for change

b.i asked my brother if he would go to some hill station for a change

c.i permitted my brother to go to some hill station for a change

d.i suggested to my brother that we should go to some hill station for a change

23.Ritu said,"alas ! i am ruined."

दुख वाले वाक्य exclaimed with sorrow /tears...दुख वाले शब्द हट जायेंगे 

a.ritu said that i am ruined

b.ritu cried with grief that i am ruined

c.ritu cried with grief /exclaimed with sorrow that she was ruined

d.ritu said with grief that he was ruined

24.mohit said,"bravo ,we have got the shield."

शाबाशी वाले वाक्य exclaimed with  applause ,bravo ,wah ,oh,hurrah शब्द हठ जायेंगे 

a.mohit ordered with joy that they had got the shield

b.mohit explained with joy that they had got the shield

c.mohit exclaimed that they had got the shield

d.mohit exclaimed with joy they have got the shield

25.the man said ,let me have the first choice

Let से इच्छा ‌तो wished or should आयेगा 

a.the man told that he should have the first choice

b.the man urged that he should have the first choice

c.the man proposed that he should have the first choice

d.the man wished that he should have the first choice

26.thank you,"i said to the stranger.

वाक्य में thank, welcome,stupid इत्यादि  शब्द ‌हो तो साधारण वाक्य होगा 

a.i told the stranger that i am thankful to him.

b.i said thanks to the stranger

c.i told the stranger thank you

d.i thanked the stranger

27.he said,"I have read this novel.

Have /has /v2---had+V3/this----that होगा 

A he said that he has read this novel

B.he said that he had read that novel

C.he said that he read that novel

D.he said that he had read this novel

28.he said,"is the chairman comming to the meeting."

Is/am/are+V4 --- was/were+v4, प्रश्नवाचक ---if/whether, affirmative sentence,

A.he asked that the chairman was coming to the meeting

B.he asked if the chairman will coming to the meeting

C.he asked if the chairman is coming to the meeting

D.he asked if the chairman was coming to the meeting

29. He said ,"I must work hard."

वाक्य must के साथ नैतिकता वाला कोई बदलाव नहीं और साधारण ‌ वाक्य  तो had to ,would have to ,had to

A.he told him to work hard

B.he was going to work hard

C.she said that he had to work hard

D.she said I must be working hard.

30.Ajay said,Suman must go tomorrow."

साधारण ‌‌ वाक्य है had to,has to ,would have to answer आ सकता है 

A.Ajay said that Suman would have to go the following day

B.Ajay said that Suman would have to go tomorrow

C.Ajay said that Suman must go yesterday

D.Ajay said that Suman is going tomorrow.


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