1.नहरो से पहले हमेशा the आयेगा ।

The Suez canal

The Panama canal

The Albert canal 

The Manchester Canal

The Soo canal 

The Sharda canal

1.कुछ गोताखोर स्वेज नहर‌ में सड़ी गली लाशों को निकाल रहे थे ।

Some divers were fishing out decomposed corpse from the Suez canal .

2.पनामा नहर में वे उसकी अस्थियों को प्रवाहित कर रहे थे 

They were immersing their funeral urn in the panama

वे अल्बर्ट नहर के किनारे सैर कर रहे थे

1.‍they were ambling along bank of the Albert canal.


सरकार सु नहर के पास में एक खुबसूरत परिदृष्य बनायेगी

2. The Government will create a panorama near the soo canal .




2.aeroplane से पहले the आयेगा the Indian airlines

The indigo 

The meghdoot

The Kashmir princess

1.आंतकवादियो को रिहा करने के लिए उनहोने ‌मेघदुत एयरलाइंस को बंदुक की नोक पर हाईजैक कर लिया था।

They had hijacked the meghdoot airlines at gun point to exonerate terrorists 

They were hatching a ploy to blow up Indian Air lines

2.वे इंडियन एयर लाइंस को उडाने की साज़िश रच रहे थे ।

1.i will board 🛹 on the Indian airlines to go to America.

मैं इंडियन एयरलाइंस में अमेरीका जाने के लिए बैठुंगा 

2.they have  alighted from the indigo in  wee hours .

वे इंडिगो से ब्रह्म मुहूर्त मे उतर गये है


4.ships से पहले हमेशा the आयेगा

The victoriya 

The vikrant

The queen marry

The Torry canyon 

The Titanic 🌲

1.वे बम लगाने के लिए टाइटैनिक मे एक  दुसरे से मिली भगत कर रहे थे।

They were intriguing in the Titanic to plant bombs 

2.बडी मछलियों ने क्वीन मैरी जहाज पर हमला कर दिया था  लोग सहायता के लिए चीख रहे थे ।

The big fish had attacked the mary Queen ship .the people were crying for help

कैप्टन की लापरवाही से काफी साल पहले  ‌विक्रांत डुब गया था

1.the vikrant had sunk before many years due to captain's laxity.

2.a blood stained corpse had been found on the Viktoria 

एक खुन से सनी लाश विक्टोरिया पर मिली थी 


..............piping hot tea Yesterday in a grandeur hotel?

A.did you drink

B.do you drink

C.have you drunk

D.had you drunk

2.the boozer barber ........his finger while he ........off my hair 

A .had cut,was chopping


C.cut,was chopping

D.cutted ,was chopping 

3.my chums ...........to our palatial house to play treasure hunt with us.

A will have coming 

B.are coming 


D.had been coming

4.the flight ............in inclement weather before we reached airport .

A.will have taken off

B.had taken off

C .is taking off

D was taking off

5.i ..........just .......a type writer at dirt cheap and I am Learning typing now 

A have ,hired

B.had ,hired


D.no word,hire

6.the strict warden .........

Into the dingy room to see what the rowdy students .......

A.go,had been doing

B.went ,was doing

C .gone ,had been doing

D.went ,were doing

7.this adroit driver  ........with us for ten years

A.has been working 


C.is working 

D.will be working 

8.at the moment the boys .......the girls in a lush gardens at dusk.

A.were molesting

B .are molesting 

C.will be molesting 

D.will have molested

9.he ..........lamenting over his fiasco  and shedding tears since morning.


B.will be


D.has been 

10.he ........his calf from adjacent pen eight days ago.

A had rustled

B. Rustled

C .will have rustled

D.had rustled

11.my stubborn brother ........visited ....... Tajmahal yet.

A.has not,a

B.has not ,the

C.is not,the

D.did not ,the

12.while she .........a sonorous song someone .......a stone.

A.was singing ,thrown

B.is singing,threw

C.will be singing ,throwed

D.has been singing ,thrown

13.when a tyro doctor checked the senile patients .he .......already .......

A.has , died 

B.had ,died

C.was ,died

D is ,died

14.neither praise nor blame seems to .......him.





15.a deft  writer ........his nascent books every month



C is writing




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