
 1. पर्वत श्रेणियों  के नाम से पहले the का प्रयोग होता है।

The Himalayas,the Alps ,the vindhyas ,the eastern ghats 

बहादुर लोग हिमालय पर चढ़ सकते हैं 

1.the valour people can climb the Himalayas .

आंतकवादी और आर्मी एक दुसरे से आल्प्स पर्वत के पास गोलाबारी कर रही है

2. The terrorists and the army are shelling with each other near the Alps.

मगर निम्न से पहले article नहीं आयेगा।

Zero article+mount Everest/mount abu/Nanda devi/dhaulagiri /Annapurna/mount Fuji/Mount Olympus

बहुत सारी क्षत विक्षत लाशें मांउट ऐवरेस्ट के पास पाई गयी हैं।

2. Many corpses have been found on mount Everest.

सरकार मांउट आबू के पास खुबसूरत परिदृष्य बना रही है ।

3.the government is trying to creating a panorama near the mount abu .



3.जब कोई शब्द पुरे वर्ग को बतायें तो उससे पहले हमेंशा the आयेगा।

The rich ,the poor,the lame,the sick,the dumb,the deaf,the young,the blind,the honest.

ईमानदार और बईमान लोगों में छत्तीस का आंकड़ा होता है 

1.the honest and the dishonest have poles apart distance 

अमीर लोग गरीबों की उनकी अथाह गरीबी के कारण मजाक उड़ाते है

2.the rich mock of the poor due to their abysmal poverty .

अंधे लोग कच्ची सड़क पर अपनी छड़ी टटोल रहे हैं 

3.the blind are groping their stick on the mud road 



5.ऐतिहासिक घटना से पहले the आयेगा।

The battle of Panipat

The French revolution

The English revolution

The Chinese revolution

The quit India movement

The dandi yatra

भारत छोड़ो आन्दोलन स्वतन्त्रता के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम था

1.the quit India movement was a significant step for freedom.

फ्रांस की क्रांति ने अंग्रेज़ शासन का तख्ता पलट दिया था 

2.thr French revolution had turned the table for the english regime .

नरम दल  अंग्रेजों का विरोध करने के लिए ने दांडी यात्रा में भाग लिया था 

3.the dovish group had joined the dandi yatra to protest against english regime 



1.Columbus ........... America.he was obstinate person towards his bull's eye .

A.had discovered


C.will have discovered 

D.was discovering

2.my neighbour ..........to village last night to look after his parental house 




D.was going

3.it is high time that he ........his nascent business to earn huge profit .

A.had started


C.will have started 

D.would have  started

4.my culprit neighbour ........his wife two hours ago  and immolated himself .

A.had smothered 


C.will have smothered 

D.was smothering

5.they ............their wonky house yesterday to get treasure trove.

A.were demolishing 

B.will have demolished 

C.had demolished 


6.i ........footed my bill yet. I am out of pocket today.

A.did not 

B.was not 

C.have not

D.will not have

7.they have not put the books in higgledy piggledy order ........


B already



8.you have confessed your heinous crime......





9.the poor have .......eaten stale chapatis due to their abysmal poverty .



C .soon


10.which sentence is not in the present indefinite 

A.they swim in a reservoir everyday.

B.she has already finished her homework 

C.we always take a wonky bus to school 

D.he plays chess with his chums

11.which sentence is in the present continuous tense and includes an adjective 

A.he is sleeping 

B.they are eating lunch

C.she is getting hefty salary from her new job

D.i am running in the park

Write meaning of following words 

12.in soup/in pickle 

A.in days of happiness 

B.in sorrow

C.in economical problem 

D.in trouble 

13.button up your lips

A.keep mum

B .talkative

C.talk absurd talks

D.talk in indecent manner 

14.itching palm

A excessive honest

B.excessive dishonest

C.excessive greedy

D.excessive prudent

15.live hand to mouth

A.live in wealth

B.live in poverty 

C.live in shanty town 

D.live in posh area

Creation and presentation by

Adv.pankaj joshi

Creation and presentation by

Adv.pankaj joshi

Apeksha online english classes 


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