Articles part 2

Article  part 2

1.the+sky/moon /world/sea/country/environment /sun

इन सबसे पहले the आयेगा 

 The people are casting vote in the country 

The sun rises in the east

************ article +व्यक्ति/जगह का नाम +जगह /इमारत 


Delhi airport,London zoo, Victoria station ,Indira Gandhi airport,jaipur palace, Edinburgh castle ,Jai Singh palace 

I will visit Jai Singh palace 


The Royal palace,the char minar ,the white House,the red square,the tajmahal 


Very important 

Sort+kind+type के बाद कभी भी कोई article नहीं आयेगा 

Sort+kind+type +zero article 

प्रकार का शब्द +zero article 

1.You insult your parents what kind of  .....person are you ?

2.i saw a bizarre bird I don't know what sort  of ....bird is it?


निम्नलिखित में हमेशा zero article आयेगा

At hand ,by name ,by bus ,by train , at dinner ,on horse back ,at sunset ,in debt ,in hand ,by post ,

I will discuss with you at dinner

I will send my resignation by post


3.the +व्यक्ति /जगह का नाम+foundation/club/committe/trust 

I will join the jaipur club

You have manipulated in the Rajiv Gandhi trust


4. Zero article+plural noun जब पुरे वर्ग को व्यक्त करें

Lawyers wear black coat

Doctors treat patients in hospital.


5.the +शरीर के अंग

The head ,the arm ,the face 

He  hit me in the head last night


6.बडे अखबारों से पहले

The +Hindustan times/times of india/hindu

You must read the Hindustan times to improve your english 


7.the+ बड़ी  ऐतिहासिक घटना /ऐतिहासिक इमारत

The +French revolution/quit India movement/Dandi yatra 

The +Taj Mahal /Hawamahal/kutubminar 

They had organised the quit India movement near the kutubminar 


8.the + धर्म /राजनीतिक पार्टियां 

The  Hindus rely on dovish dogma 

The Congress party /the Bhartiya Janta party 


9.the +ocean/river /sea

The Pacific Ocean/the Atlantic Ocean 

The Ganga ,the  yamuna 

The red sea 

The Ganga mingles into the Pacific Ocean 


10.बडी   खाडीयो से पहले the आयेगा 

The gulf of Mexico,the bay of Bey

Exception bay of hadson


11.proper noun 

यानि व्यक्ति  के नाम के बाद कोई adjective आये तो उससे पहले the आयेगा 

Ashoka the great

Laxmibai the Amazon

Chankaya the diplomatic 

Napolean the warrior 

Ashoka the great had fought many battles.


The +रेगिस्तान का नाम /प्राचीन जातिया /साम्राज्य 

The+desert+ancient caste+empire 

The sahara desert,the Gobi desert ,the Kalahari desert 

The negroes,the eskimoes ,the aryans 

The mugal empire ,the gupt empire 

I saw a carass of camel in the sahara desert 

 The people were satisfied in gupt empire 


Use of a/an

1.a+word which start from consonant


An heir ,an honour ,an hour,an hourly bus service,an honest person,an honourable person 

1 I saw a Cat /a  dog.

2. You are an honourable person of this village.

*********** which start from a,e,i,o,u

An apple,an elephant,an orange,an umbrella 


A union,a university,a uniform,a one rupee not ,a one eyed man ,a European


A European was riding ove an elephant 

A one eyed man is eating an orange 

********* वाले शब्द 

An FIR,AN sp ,an MLA,AN MP ,AN FO 



4.WHAT +A/AN+विस्मय बोधक वाक्य !

What an appalling shadow!

What an imposing parrot !

What a beautiful flower!


5.verb +a/an +verb(noun)

Go for a ride ,go for a swim,go for a talk , take a bath ,take an interest 

You should go for a walk in wee hours 


6.very very important 

निम्नलिखित में हमेशा a/an आयेगा 

In a fix परेशानी  में होना ,in a nut shell संक्षेप में ,make a noise ,keep a secret,as a rule ,at a Stone's throw distance  पास में 

I will deliver speech in a nut shell 

I am in a fix regarding to my career 


7.turn के बाद a/an नही  आयेगा 


I will turn hermit due to my spritual nature 

2.he has turned traitor dye to sedition 


An/a information/advice/brick/bread 

 You must give me a piece of advice 

I will eat two pieces of bread.


At last /at first के बीच में कोई article नहीं आयेगा 

At first  you must deliver speech 


जब किसी संज्ञा की पुनरावृत्ति होती है तौ उससे पहले the आयेगा 

I saw a dog .the dog was dangerous 

I saw a cat .the  cat was prankish 


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