Diamond summary of articles

 Creation and presentation by 

Adv.pankaj joshi 

Vocab mahaguru 

Part 1

Diamond summary of articles 

1.zero articles +school,college,market,temple ,church ,bed ,prison ,----वही काम करें 


The+school,college,market,temple,church, bed, prison 

अपने निर्माण से अलग काम करें 

He is worshipping in temple 

He is talking in the temple 


2.zero article +भाषा English,Hindi,French.....


The +भाषा+language 

The English language 

I can speak English 

I cannot speak the English language 


3.zero article+ बीमारी 

Zero article+cancer, corona,diabetes


The mumps,the measles 

A fever,a cold,a head ache,a tooth ache,a stomach ache 

I have suffered from cancer

I have suffered from the measles /a cold 


4.zero article +खाने का नाम breakfast ,lunch ,dinner ,supper

Article  +adjective+खाने का नाम

A nice dinner,a yummy dinner,a delicious lunch ,an insipid breakfast 

I cannot eat breakfast but I will eat a nice dinner 


5.  The + पद का नाम

The manager ,the principal ,the Primeminister,the chief minister 


The post/rank  +पद का नाम 

The  post of principal 

The rank of Major

He is the principal of school 

He will be promoted to the rank of Major 


6.the +व्यवसाय का नाम /name of any profession 

The teaching profession,the advocacy profession ,the medical profession 


7.the+जब कोई एक वचन संज्ञा पुरे वर्ग पर लागू हो यानि पुरे वर्ग की विशेषता बताये तो  उस एकवचन संज्ञा से पहले भी the आयेगा

The tiger is a dangerous animal

The cow  gives milk and eats grass


8. The+जब कोई  वाद्य-यंत्र बजाने के काम आये और किसी काम आये तो  a/an आयेगा 

The +musical instrument बजाना

A/an+musical instrument कोई अन्य काम 

I will purchase a Guitar.

I will play on the guitar in the evening.


9.zero article+material noun

Zero article +silver,gold,wheat ,iron ,water

मगर विशेष कर दिया जाये तो

The +विशेष+ material noun 

1.i will buy milk 

2.the milk of Gujrat is very delicious.


10.zero article +name of games

Zero article +cricket ,chess, football 

मगर खेलों के नाम को विशेष कर दिया जाये तो the आयेगा

The+विशेष+खेलो का नाम 

I play cricket 

The cricket of England is famous in the world.


11.zero article+मौसम का नाम 

Zero article+winter/summer/autumn/rain

The+विशेष +मौसम का नाम 

1.i will purchase cooler an air conditioner in summer.

2.the summer of 2024 is very painful.


13.the +radio 

Watch on +zero article+television 

1.i am listening music on the radio

2.i am watching movie on television.


14.by +zero article+परिवहन का साधन 

I will  come by aeroplane 

I will purchase an aeroplane.

By car,by bus,by scooter,by ship,by taxi ,by air ,by aeroplane 


15. निम्नलिखित में हमेशा the आयेगा 

Take the left

Take the right 

You are in the wrong

Come to the rescue 


16.Hell +heaven+parliament+God 

से पहले कोई article नहीं आयेगा 

Zero Article+hell/ heaven/parliament/God


17.zero article +त्यौहार/दिन/month 

The+विशेष दिन और महिना

Zero Article+January/Monday/

republic day/independence day 


I will come Monday by aeroplane 

The Monday of last week was pleasant for me.

The January of 2020 was painful for me.


18.zero article +देश का नाम

Zero article+America/china/India


The +group वाले देश 






19.the+ सरनेम बहुवचन में हो 

The guptas,the shramas ,the singhs ,the kapoors 

We will go  with the Guptas to watch movie 


20.जब किसी व्यक्ति का नाम , वस्तु का नाम ,जगह का नाम तुलना करने के काम आये तो उससे पहले the आता है।

Jaipur is the Paris of India

Ram is the Dara singh of our village 



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