Foundation stone class

 Foundation stone class no.

Present perfect 

Sub+has /have +V3+ob

He she it any singular ---has+V3

I you we they any plural ---have +v3

1.i have sold my house due to economical problem 

Sell sold sold 

2.i have written a letter to my father

Write wrote written 

3.i have purchased a new laptop for my son

Purchase purchased purchased

4.i have damaged his new car  due to enmity 

Damage damaged damaged

5.i have  peeled off oranges  for juice 

Peel off peeled off peeled off 

6.i have torn a page from.his diary

Tear tore torn

7.i have stolen his new bike from our side a hospital 

Steal stole stolen 

8.i have walked in sappy garden due to my fatness

Walk walked walked


So far  अब तक 

Already  पहले से ही 

Just  अभी अभी 

Lately  अभी अभी

Yet  अभी तक 

1.he has not replied my letter 

Reply replied replied 

2. He has already painted his house despite keen winter 

Paint painted painted 

3.she has just paid his rent

Pay paid paid 

4.i have confessed my guilt lately

Confess confessed confessed have not lodged an FIR against him yet 

Lodge lodged lodged 








8 .bereaved 




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