Foundation stone

 Foundation stone class 

Present perfect continuous


He she it any singular---has been +V4

I you we they any plural--have been +v4

1.i have been living in jaipur since my birth

2.i have been teaching my students since morning 

3.i have been driving my car fast since drizzle 

4.i have been playing with my friends since evening 

5.,I have been beating him since morning over his blunder 

6.i have been practising in court since  since 2010.

7.i have been operating a computer in my office since evening 

8.i have working in an edifice office since 10 am

9.i have been mocking of my torn clothes since my poverty 

10 I have been selling fruit and vegetables since corona virus 

1.buffoon a person who amuse another person in hat and bizarre clothes 

2.bifurcate divide into two parts 

3.boulevard a road which has tree both side 

4.Bohemian  a person who breaks social rituals 

5.bourgeois a medium class family 

6.blasphemy  criticize of religion 

7.brittle  a weak thing which is easily broken 

8 .bereaved  a lamented family 

9.chauffeur  driver of big shots 

10.celibate  an unmarried old person


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