Test paper evening

 Fill in the blanks with appropriate grammar 

1............. Your  with your nascent laptop without your permission?

A.do he tamper with 

B.does he tamper with

C.did he tampered with 

D.does he tampers with 

2.................decomposed corpse from adjacent pond?

A.have you fished out

B.had  you fish out 

C.do you fishes out 

D.did you fished out 

3.you ..........the problems  now.

A .were coping with

B .are coping with

C.have been coping with

D.had been coping with 

4.  I have not confessed my guilt ..........





5.my diligent brother ..............since morning to get dizzy height 

A.was toiling

B.had been toiling 

C.is toiling 

D.will have 

6.he ............. To a stark ruins last night  to drink booze .




D was going 

7.i was watching a didactic movie .......... You were cramming your essay .





8.i .........my school days .those were my palmy days .



C.am remembering 

D.had been remembering 

9.he ...........chopped off vegetables before I peeled off oranges .



C.will have


10.he ................. His work.

A.has already accomplished

B. Already has accomplished 

C.has accomplished already 

D.has already accomplish 

11.  They ........ .....before I.........my guilt .

A.had rounded up me ,had confessed

B.rounded up ,confessed

C.had rounded up ,confessed

D.rounded up ,had confessed 

12.it is high time that he ...........his business .

A.had resumed


C.has resumed

D.will have resumed

13.it is not praiseworthy that those hands ........you ,you .......those hands .

A.feed ,bite 

B.feeds ,bites

C.are feeding ,are biting 

D.have been feeding , have been biting 

14.my friends ...........booze daily and he ........ Any body without any reason .

A.drink ,beats

B.drinks ,beat

C.drink ,beat

D.are drinking ,is beating 

15.i ............game lately due to their bias attitude .

A.have  given up 

B.given up

C.had  given up

D.will have given up 

16. My diligent brother ............toiling .........his failure .
A.had been ,since
B.had been ,for 
C. have been ,since
D.have been ,for 

17.the ground water ..............day by day .
A.is depleting 
B.was depleting 
C.has been depleting 
D.will be depleting 

18.now a days you .............. differences with your neighbour.
A.are patching up
B.have been patching up
C.will have been patching up
D.had been patching up

19.can you prove that sugar ............in water?

A.is dissolving 
D.was dissolving 

20. The cows ...........grass and .......elephant ........sugarcane .
A.eat,an ,eats
B.eat ,a ,eat
C.eats ,an,eats
D.eat ,an ,eat 

21.my mother .........a hymn  daily and my father .........a  psalm last night.

A.sings , sung
B.sings ,sang
C.sing ,sung
D.sing ,sang 

22. He ............daily in Lake and I ............. yesterday in a river.

B.swims ,swum
C.swim ,swam
D.swims ,swam

23.my neighbour ...........booze and I ............tipple .

A.drinks ,do not drink
B.drinks ,does not drink
C.drink , do not drink
D.drink ,does not drink 

24.he ..............door lately .
A.has shut
B.has shutted
C.had shutted 
D.will have shutted 

25..........sun .........in ........east.

A.the ,rises,the
B.zero article ,rises ,zero article 
C.the ,rise ,the 
D.the ,rises ,zero article 


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