Future indefinite
Future indefinite
1.you will inform/intimidate the police about theft and robbery in hurry scurry .
2.i will put in the books in apple pie order सही क्रम in spick and span room साफ सुथरा कमरा despite my fatigueness
3. My niggard father will rebuke डांटना me for white elephant .फिजुल खर्ची
4.my combative neighbour will lodge an FIR against him for molestation.छेडछाड
5.my wife will wash dirty clothes with serene water in searing sun .साफ पानी
6. An altruist will distribute fire crackers among waifs in shanty town कच्ची बस्ती
7.a quack/charlatan will treat patients overtly in the name of fake treatment.
8. Some prankish children will pelt stone at a lunatic near a reservoir 🌴 due to their prankishness
9.i will gear up for my impending संभावित competition to get the first rank /to take the cake /take the biscuit
10.you will plant the saplings पौधे in cats and dogs rain to lessen intense heat . .मुसलाधार बारीश
One word
1.bourgeois ----medium class family मध्यम वर्गीय परिवार
2.opulent----rich person रईस
3.queer fish----peculiar person
विचित्र इंसान
4.ragamaffin ----extremely poor person अत्यंत गरीब
5.amateur---a person who does any work for hobby only
शौकिया तौर पर काम करने वाला
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