Negative of future indefinite

 1.i will not write an essay due to my busy schedule .

2.he will not sell his commodious field due to his obstinacy will not beat him due to his father's power 

4.they will not perjured in court due to fear of law

5.i will not talk with you due to your aggressive nature will not drive your car at high speed on zig zag road

7. A tyro doctor will not rook you due to his arrest's fear

8.i will not put books in apple pie order 

9.they will not  buy a palatial house due to economical problem 

10.i will not rely on you due to your dishonesty .

Translate the following sentences 

1.वे एक गाना सुरीली आवाज में गाते हैं 

2. मेरी पत्नी स्वादिष्ट खाना बनाती है ।

3.एक गरीब फटे हुए कपड़े पहनता है 

4. एक डाक्टर लोगों को ठगता है 

5.एक छात्र सुबह से शाम तक कड़ी मेहनत करता है 


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