Past indefinite

 Tense no.5

Past indefinite 




Sub+did not +v1 +object

Wh questions 


General sentences 

1.some hooligans molested a school goer girl at carfax due to their ill sacraments .she did not lodged an FIR against their hooliganism.

2.some students geared up for impending  competition to carve tinsel career .you did not burn mid night oil due to your lethargic/lazy nature .

3.they uprooted  wilted flora in a sappy garden at dusk neighbour strangulated his wife and set his house on fire due to did not inform the police due to your sissy nature .

5. My stern boss called off/put off significant meeting due to inclement weather.i did not eat roasted corn ear in drizzle 

6. He hacked his wife's corpse and incinerated in an oven to conceal his heinous offence .he did not hide grinded weapon behind a bleak ruins . senile granny churned up curd and hummed a sonorous folk song in wee hours .she did not sweep in courtyard.

8.some mendicants pined for intact quilts and blankets to ward off keen winter .they did not give them two square meal a day due to their miserness.

9.i protested against funerary feast in my parochial  village .the orthodox villagers listened my advice with deaf ears .

10.i went to my village after donkey's year to enjoy social rituals  but I did not eat indigenous food due to my lack of appetite .

यह काल निम्न दशाओ‌ में लागु होता है।


The police rounded up a notorious criminal yesterday 


He confessed his guilt two hours ago .

3.last 🌃 night/last year /last month

I beaten him black and and blue last year is high time

It is high time you started your nascent business.

5.stsndard event of past 

Columbus discovered America.


1. कल रात ‌मैने  एक डरावनी फिल्म देखी थी और मैं सिर से पांव तक कांप गया था 

I saw a lousy movie and I shivered from tip to toe yesterday.

2. मेरे आलसी भाई ने  कल लंबा चौड़ा खेत कर्जे के कारण  गिरवी रख दिया था क्यों की जुंआ में उसने अपनी अथाह जमीन जायदाद दांव पर लगा दी थी 

My dronish brother mortgaged commodious field yesterday due to colossal debt because he staked copious estate on gamble .

3. 2 घंटे पहले उसने अपनी पागल‌ पत्नी का गला घोट दिया था और अपने जर्जर मकान को आग लगा दी थी ।

He smothered his lunatic wife and set his ramshackle house on fire 🔥 ago two hours .

Set on zero Article fire 


4. साझं के समय उसने  भव्य मंदिर  में आरती की थी और भगवान के सामने प्रसाद चढ़ाया था 

She chanted a hymn and offered oblation before God in an edifice temple at dusk.


5. भारी बारिश के कारण उसने महत्वपूर्ण मीटिंग  को स्थगित कर दिया था  

He called off/put off significant meeting due to cats and dogs 🐕 rain ☔/down pour .

6.  गरीबी के कारण उसने फटे हुए और मैले कुचैले  कपड़े पहने थे।गरीबी जीवन का सबसे बड़ा अभिशाप है।

He wore torn and scruffy

 clothes due to poverty .poverty is the biggest Bane for life .

7. महामारी के कारण सरकार ने लॉकडाउन लगाया था। कैराना एक संक्रामक और ख़तरनाक बीमारी है।

The Government imposed lock down due to epidemic.corona is a contagious and formidable disease.

8. एक घाटी में झाड़ियों के पीछे  मैंने खुन‌ से सनी लाश‌ देखी  थी और ‌डर के कारण मैं चीखा।

I saw a blood stained corpse behind the bushes in a valley  and screamed due to fear.

9. मेरे पापा ने मुझे फिजूलखर्ची के लिए डांटा  और मेरे जेब खर्च में तुंरत कटौती कर दी ।

My father rebuked me for white elephant and curtailed my pocket money promptly.

10. शराब के नशे में एक शराबी ने‌ एक अंधे आदमी को  जबरदस्त टक्कर मारी था।

A boozer rammed into a blind man in muddled condition 


1.किसी के हाथ की कठपुतली puppet of somebody  's hand 

🐈 Cat's paw

2. सत्ता के लिए कड़ी प्रतियोगिता competition for power and pist

Rat 🐁 race 

3.चोली दामन का साथ होना  sound relation 

Hand with glove relations 

4.किसी के नुक्सान से किसी को फ़ायदा take benefit from somebody loss

Fish 🐠 out of troubled water

5.विवाद से भरा हुआ मुद्दा controversial issue

Elephant in the room

6.दोनो हाथों से  पैसा उड़ाना spend lavishly 

Burn the candle with both sides

7.दोनो हाथों में लड्डू रखना  keep your words with both side

Hold  the stick 🏒.with both sides 

8.सब कुछ दांव पर लगा देना stake every things 

Put all the eggs in a single basket 

9.पुरे उत्साह के साथ with full enthusiasm 

With hammer and tongs

10.मारे मारे फिरना move here and there 

Move pillar to post 🏣 🌍


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