Interrogative sentences

 Interrogative sentence 

1.will you be  solving this  stiff riddles 

2.will you be  borrowing  ten thousand rupees to buy a new house ?

3.will he be criticizing other for their bad image 

4.will your miser father be scolding you ?

5.will you be cheating your customers to earn huge money 

6.will the police be arresting him for theft 

7.will the people be offering  garland in temple ?

8.will my brother be  selling his commodious field 

9.will they be conducting an important/ significant meeting 

10.will my neighbour be selling spurious ghee ?

Home work 

1.वह मुझे ‌पैसा नहीं देता है

2.तुम मुझे क्यों डांटते हो 

3.वह  खेत में खड़ी मेहनत करता है

4.तुम मुझे क्यों सताते हैं 

5. क्या तुम शाम को फुटबाल खेलते हो 


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