
Corner stone class no.28

  भुतकाल  की संभावना बताने के लिए may have+V3 का प्रयोग किया जाता है इसका अर्थ होगा किया होगा। Sub+may have+V3+object Active voice Ob+may have been +V3 +by sub  Passive voice  1.दौलत का ढेर लगाने के लिए उसने अपना सब कुछ दांव‌ पर लगा दिया होगा। He may have put all the eggs in a single basket to pile of opulence  2.गरीबी से छुटकारा पाने के लिए उसने दिन रात छोटे मोटे काम किये होंगे He may have done odd jobs to get rid off poverty  3.कानुन को धोखा देने के लिए उसने एक जेल में पागलपन का नाटक किया होगा। He may have pretended of lunacy in jail to bluff the law 4.एक बड़े डाके के कारण पुलिस ने राहगीरों की तलाशी ली होगी । The police may have frisked the passers by due to heist. 5.बहादुर सैनिकों ने कायर  सैनिकों को मुंह तोड जवाब दिया होगा । The valour soldiers may have given a good retort to the sissy soldiers  6.उसके पागलपन के कारण उसका बेरहमी से गला घोंटा जा चुका होगा‌ He may have been smothered due to his lunacy. 7.उसकी तीक्ष्ण बुद्धि के कारण एक बड़े घोटाले का पर्दाफाश हो गया होगा  He may have


  Brahamstra test paper no.19 Write fill in the blanks with appropriate grammar 1.the sick man.........last 🌃 night. A.passed away मर जाना kick the bucket  B.passed by C.passed down D.passed for 2.i cannot .......the meaning of this verse. A.make of B.make out समझना  C.make for D.make up look through a book is an important study skill. skim जल्दी जल्दी पढ़ना summarize outline cram 4.the boss simply could not .... His inefficiency any more. A put off B.put up with सहना  C.put down D.put across 5.his folly has brought about his ruin. A.frustrarted B.caused कारण बनना  C.disappointment D.confirmed  6.never ...........the marginalised A.look over B.look down upon  अपमान की द्रष्टि से देखना  C.look through D.look into  7.our monthly expenditure five hundred rupees when we decided to buy milk from the milk man A.grew up बढ़ना  B.shot up up D.lifted up  8..........water of this well is very dirty. The +waterविशेष होने के कारण  A.a C.the ar

Conjunction part 4

  1.यदि वाक्य में as if /as though का प्रयोग हो तो उस में बाद वाले वाक्य में हमेशा were या had +V3 का ही प्रयोग होगा। As if/as though-----were or had+V3 As if/as though मानो‌ या मान लीजिये  1.he orders me as if he were my boss. 2.he punishes me as if I had stolen his mobile 📲. ************* 2.यदि वाक्य की शुरुआत though or although से हुई हो तो उसके बाद हमेशा  yet आयेगा कभी भी but नहीं आयेगा। 1.although your are rich yet you are a miser. 2.though he is a poor yet he is a benevolent. ***""""""" 3. So .......that इसका अर्थ होगा इसलिए        कि यह कारण परिणाम बताता है so के बाद हमेशा that आयेगा। 1.he is so poor that he cannot deposit his fee. are so wicked that I cannot rely on you. ************ यदि doubtful/doubt से वाक्य बना हुआ है तो इसके बाद‌ conjuction  if/weather आयेगा और  यदि वाक्य नकारात्मक और प्रश्न वाचक हो तो conjunction that आयेगा  1.i doubt if you are a bandit. is doubtful whether he  will garner your destination 3. I don't dou

Corner stone class no.27

  Corner 🪨 stone class no.27 Rule modal ought to  इस modal का प्रयोग नैतिक शिक्षा वाले वाक्यों में किया जाता है। Sub+ought to+v1+object  करना चाहिए  1. हमें अपनी संतानों को देशभक्ति और बहादुरी सिखानी चाहिए । अच्छे संस्कार मजबूत राष्ट्र की नींव का पत्थर होते हैं  We ought to inculcate patriotism and bravery to our offspring.sound sacraments are corner stone of robust nation . 2.उसे नैतिक शिक्षा वाली कहानियों से नैतिक मुल्य ग्रहण करने चाहिए । अच्छे संस्कार  बढ़ते अपराध के प्रति सबसे बड़ा डर होते हैं। He ought to imbibe ethics/ethos from fables .sound sacraments are deterrent to soaring crimes. 3.हर भारतीय को पवित्र भारतीय परंपराओं  के प्रति अपना सिर झुकाना चाहिए । अनोखी परंपराये हमारे लिए एक अनोखा खजाना है । Each Indian  ought to pay obeisance towards the Indian customs .bizarre mores are peculiar reservoir for us. 4.हर संस्कारित भारतीय को सत्य की राह पर कदम रखना चाहिए ।सत्य और  निष्ठा  इंसान के अमर गुण होते हैं। Each sacramented Indian ought to tread on path of the truth.truth and alle


  BRAHAMSTRA TEST PAPER NO.18 FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH APPROPRIATE GRAMMAR 1.the  birds 💸 high in the sky. A.may B.should C.can D.would 2........I sit here for some time? A.can B.shall C.will D.must ......take the child to an intelligent doctor 💊 A.shall B.will C.ought to D.would 4.she ......smoke in those days. A.used to B.could C.would D.had to  5.if I were you I ......not attend the meeting. A.can B.would C.could D.should give me your 🖊️ pen? A.may B.can C.dare D.must 7.he said that he ......sing a song at the party A.should B.would C.can D.will 8.she asked if he her. A.should B.can C.must  D.would  9.we ......respect our elders. A.need to B.have to  C.ought to D.had to 10.nothing done under such circumstances A.can B.used to C.must  D.have to 11.the students were punished for not abiding.....the rules. C.with D.through 12.a lot of work can......her health. A.come over about C.tell upon D.set out Vvvv imp. can

Conjunction part 3

यदि वाक्य में either .......or का प्रयोग हो तो  यह वाक्य में सकारात्मक भाव पैदा करता है। एक कर्ता दो काम करता है। 1.i will purchase either a commodious field or a swanky bungalow. 2.he has sold either his mobile or his laptop. जब दो कर्ता एक काम करे तो 1.either Ram or shyam is assaulting a hooligan 2.either the students or the teachers have gone to the cinema. 3.either a boy or the girls were casting  their vote. ******************* यदि वाक्य में lest का प्रयोग होता should आयेगा और not नहीं आयेगा। hard lest you should fail. fast lest you should miss the 🚂 train. ********** यदि वाक्य मे not only......but also का प्रयोग होता जिसका अर्थ होता है केवल यही नहीं बल्कि वो भी। जब एक कर्ता दो काम करें  1.i am not only watching tv but also reading a newspaper. 2.he is  going  to not only cinema but also circus 🎪. जब दो कर्ता एक काम करे। 1.Not only Ram but also shyam is delivering laconic speech 2.not only my relatives but also my friends are mocking of my poverty. 3.not only Ram bu

Tense part 3

  TENSE ERRORS PART3 1.Raj is learning  how ....guitar play playing C.playing 2.Rahul .......suffering from migraine since last week. B.was C.has been D.has 3.he market everyday to buy fresh vegetables A.has been going B.went C.goes D.will be going  4.i........ something stale in this room. A smell smelling C.was smelling D.have been smelling 5.sunny ...... ⚽ Football since childhood A.has been playing B.has played C.plays D.was playing 6.jhon always help the needy A.tried B.tries C.was trying trying 7.priya class every Thursday. A attends B.attended attending  D.will attending 8.the glass window 🪟 pane .....while the kids were playing cricket 🏏 A.broke B.was broken C.had broke D.was broke 9.the leopard 🐆 entered the village when the villagers.... A.slept B.was sleeping sleeping D.were sleeping 10.two hours ......Pas sed since he fell asleep. A.had B.has C.have  D.was  ..