
Practice session no.4

  1.एक गरीब an indigent  कच्ची बस्ती  shanty town में रहता है।live  A poor/an indigent lives in a shanty town. 2.वह अपनी रोजी रोटी  for bread and butterके लिए छोटे-मोटे काम  odd jobs करता है। Does  He does odd jobs for his bread and butter. 3.वह गंदे  dingy/dirty और फटे torn  हुए कपड़े clothes पहनता है।wear He wears dingy /dirty and torn clothes . Wear wire worn 4.उसके बच्चे  children स्कूल नहीं जाते go हैं और वे बालश्रम child labour  करते हैं। Commit  His children do not go to school and they commit child labour  Go went gone  5.उसके बच्चे  his children दो  वक्त की रोटी  two square meal a day के लिए तड़पते हैpin e for  His children pine for two square meal a day. 6.गरीबी  povertyजीवन का सबसे बड़ा अभिशाप है । The biggest curse 7.अमीर लोग  the rich people गरीब लोगों the poor people की सहायता  help/succour नहीं करते ।वे उनकी  अथाह गरीबी  their abysmal poverty का मज़ाक़ उड़ाते हैं। Mock of 


  RJS TEST PAPER NO.11 ****************** fill in the blanks with appropriate grammar  1.a sharp rise in the prices of petrol an increase in the price of all the commodities. A.has lead B.have lead C.has led D.have led 2.i missed the last bus due to cats and dogs rain which I  usually ........... A catch  B.catched C.caught D.catches obstinate brother .......for office last Saturday to call off/put off significant meeting. A.left B .had left C .will have left D.has left  PD ---APP-C Procrastinate+DEFER+ADJOURN+PUT OFF+POSTPONE+CALL OFF 4.i studied till 10 pm to take the cake despite much fatigued then I .....bed. A.go,zero article  B.went,the C.went ,zero article D.gone ,the 5.the ministry ............several seminal proposal to implement good policies  A.considered B.had been considered C.was considered D.has been considered  SEMINAL+SIGNIFICANT+PROMINENT+SALIENT  6.the police ..........the conmen to the villagers on a podium so that they could identify th

Practice session part 3

  Practice session 3 1.वे मुझे मोटे दहेज hefty dowey के लिए परेशान करते हैं  pester  They pester me for hefty dowry  2. मेरा शराबी भाई boozer  दिन रात around a clock  शराब booze  पीता है। My boozer brother drink booze around a clock. 3.एक गरीब  किसान poor tiller गरीबी  poverty के कारण due to  फटे कपड़े rags  पहनता है ।wear A poor tiller wears rags due to poverty. 4.शरारती बच्चे prankish children एक पागल पर  at a lunatic पत्थर stone  फेंकते हैं  pelt Some prankish children pelts stone at a lunatic . 5.मै तपती दोपहरी में in searing sun  जर्जर मकान से  from wonky house बाहर नहीं निकलता हूं  step out . I do not step out from a wonky house in searing sun .


  RJS TEST PAPER NO.10 1.some tyro    masons........the bridge over a shimmering river for several months. A.have been building B.are building C.will be building  D.has been building reticent brother .......very little due to his reticent nature when there are strangers present. A.had always spoken B.was always speaking always speaking  D.always speaks 3.the snazzy laptop I .......five years ago is still writing well A.have bought B.bought C has bought D.had bought 4.Rohan ..........lousy movie before he chopped off vegetables with a grinded knife. B.have watched C.had watched  D.was watching  5.every boy and girl .......pondering  over significant issue to cope with grave problem. A is B .are  C .were  D .will be 6.i ...........reading ........Gita with bird's eye view since morning. A.had been,the B.will be ,the  C.had been ,a D.will be ,zero article  7.she often ........ cinema to watch patriotic movies at his leisure . going ,a B.go ,the C.wa

Practice session 2

1 मेरी आस्तिक मां theist mother  मंदिर में  temple पुजा करती है worship  My theist mother worships in temple  2.वह मुझे धमकी  threaten देता है। He threatens me  3.मै एक गुलाब तोडता हूं pluck  I pluck a rose 4.तुम उसे डांटते हो scold  You scold him 5.वह अपनी छोटी बहन younger sister को डराता है। Scare  He scares his younger sister.


  RJS TEST PAPER NO.9   1.नहरो से पहले हमेशा the आयेगा । The Suez canal The Panama canal The Albert canal  The Manchester Canal The Soo canal  The Sharda canal 1.कुछ गोताखोर स्वेज नहर‌ में सड़ी गली लाशों को निकाल रहे थे । Some divers were fishing out decomposed corpse from the Suez canal . 2.पनामा नहर में वे उसकी अस्थियों को प्रवाहित कर रहे थे  They were immersing their funeral urn in the panama वे अल्बर्ट नहर के किनारे सैर कर रहे थे 1.‍they were ambling along bank of the Albert canal. JUNKET+amble+stroll+SAUNTER+outing  सरकार सु नहर के पास में एक खुबसूरत परिदृष्य बनायेगी 2. The Government will create a panorama near the soo canal . PANORAMA +VIESTA +CYNOSURE  2. ***** 2.aeroplane से पहले the आयेगा the Indian airlines The indigo  The meghdoot The Kashmir princess 1.आंतकवादियो को रिहा करने के लिए उनहोने ‌मेघदुत एयरलाइंस को बंदुक की नोक पर हाईजैक कर लिया था। They had hijacked the meghdoot airlines at gun point to exonerate terrorists  They were hatching a ploy to blow up Indian Air lines


  RJS TEST NO.8 FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH APPROPRIATE GRAMMAR  1.whenever you ........him .he ........tears. A.scolds,sheds B.scold ,shed C.scold,sheds D.are scolding ,is shedding  Answer c 2. The delectable soup ......well. I am in soup/in pickle. A .taste B.tastes tasting D.was tasting Answer b 3.he ...........five minutes ago from his wonky house to lunge at him . stepping out B .steps out  C.stepped out  D.step out Answer c 4.Ashok fell off the ladder when he  ........the roof in searing sun. mending B.was mending  C.had been mending  D.has been mending Answer b 5.i ............ something burning adjacent a grandeur restaurant at dusk . A.smell smelling C.was smelling D.smells Answer a 6.we .........our sumptuous breakfast an hour ago due to keen appetite . A.will have finished  B.have finished C.had finished D finished Answer d be ........eminent doctor due to his freak /mania . A.wants,an wanting ,an C.want ,a D.wants,a Answer a 8.he ...