
Showing posts from June, 2024

Clat possible condition

  CORNER  stone class number.23 Topic if possible condition 1.If+sub+v1/v5+object,sub+will +v1+object 2.if +sub+do not/does not+v1+ob,sub+Will not+v1+object Passive of this condition If+ob+is/am/are+V3+by sub. Ob +will be+V3+by sub 1.इस शर्त को if संभव शर्त कहा जाता है ।इस शर्त if की possible condition कहा जाता है  2.इस शर्त में पहले वाक्य present indefinite से बनेगा और दुसरा वाक्य future indefinite से बनेगा  3.दोनो वाक्यों में कभी भी will+v1 नहीं आयेगा। 4.if+present indefinite,future indefinite *************************** General sentences  1.if you work hard ,you will get success and get a  hefty salary . 2.if he eats  poison ,he will due soon. 3.if she worships in temple ,God will bless her with success. 4.if a police officer threats you ,you will complain against him to senior officers. 5.if your brother swims in a river ,he will drown in current धारा of river. 6.if you molest a girl at Carfax ,the massive crowd will beat you black and blue  7.if he drives his car fast on  zig zag


  CORNER stone class number 23  If improbable condition  1.if +sub+had+V3+ob,sub+could have/would have +V3+object कर सकता था/हो सकता था  Passive voice If +ob+had been +V3+by sub,ob +would have been/could have been +V3+by sub  हो सकता था  यह शर्त भुत काल से संबंधित है इस शर्त मे काम होते‌ होते रहे जाता है इसका मतलब होगा हो सकता था  यदि had को पहले रख दिया जाये तो वाक्य के अर्थ पर कोई अंतर नहीं आयेगा केवल लिखने पर अंतर आयेगा इसको inversion कहा जाता है। Had+sub+V3+ob,sub+would have/could have +V3+ob. ********************* General sentences  1.if I had wanted ,I would have become an IAS  officer. 2.if you had wanted ,you would have helped me in my problem  3.if my neighbour had harrassed me ,I would have lodged an FIR against him 4.if they had beaten him mercilessly ,he would have killed him 5.if  you had given him two square meal a day to him ,he would have thanked you from bottom of heart. 6.if he had ignited the fire ,I would have doused fire immediately. 7.if she cooked yummy food for

Passive voice past perfect

Writing section  लापरवाह लोग जगह जगह कचरा फैलाते हैं।कचरे का ढेर बहुत सारी बीमारियों को जन्म देती है। सड़े हुए मांस को बुचड़खाने के बाहर‌‌ फेंक दिया जाता है । आवारा जानवर रोड पर घातक दुर्घटना का कारण बन‌जाते है। बेलगाम जानवर राहगीरों को कुचल देते हैं।  कचरे का ढेर  बहुत बुरी दुर्गन्ध देता है और राहगीरों को परेशान करता है। इसलिए स्वच्छ भारत अभियान एक महाअभियान ‌है। समझदार और पढ़ें लिखे लोग इस धर्म युद्ध का साथ दे रहे है।गंदगी का ढेर विदेशो में बुरा प्रभाव छोड़ता है।कचरे का ढेर बढ़ते पर्यटन के लिए सबसे बड़ी बाधा‌‌ है।हरा भरा बाग लोगों के लिए एक आकर्षण ‌का केन्द्र होता है।एक झिलमिल नदी  रिमझिम बारिश में पर्यटकों  को शीशे में उतार देती है। Passive of past perfect  *********** Sub+had+V3+ob Active. Ob+had been +V3+by sub General sentences  1.i had been  suspended due to my laxity and apathy . car had been stolen and sold by my colleague. house had been painted and decorated at Diwali . 4.a murder case had been investigated and chargesheet had been produced in court packets 

Past perfect active voice

   Corner 🪨 stone class no.7 Sub+had+V3+object+before+sub+V2+object भुत काल में दो घटनायें साथ चली थी जो घटना पहले समाप्त होती है ‌वह had+V3  में लिखी जाती है ‌ओर बाद वाली घटना V2  यानी sub+V2+object में लिखी जाती है। ******************** General sentences  1. I had  cooked yummy स्वादिष्ट food before I washed my dirty clothes  2.he had ironed wrinkled clothes  सलवट वाले कपड़े before he put the books in shelf mother had worshipped in temple before she chanted  hanuman chalisa brother had operated a laptop before he drank milk in pipkin सिकोरा sister had sewed सिलना   torn clothes before she  mopped  पोंचा लगनाon dirty floor  6.  I had parked my car out side his house before I locked my car 7.they had chopped off काटना  vegetables before the peeled off  छिलके उतारना oranges Chop off Peel off  8.i had turned  on  खोलना tap to fill a bucket before  he turned off  बंद करना tap Turn on Turn off  9.i had produced concrete proofs  पुख्ता सबुत before he decided this case  10.y

If impossible condition

  If impossible condition  यदि मैं होता  If +sub+were+ob,sub+would/could+v1+ob यदि  पास होता  If +sub+had+ob,sub+would/could +v1+ob  *************** General sentences  1.if he were  the Primeminister,he would deliver speech from the red fort. 2.if  she were a literate woman ,she would teach her children for their bright future . 3.if you were a magician ,you would show magic amid public  4.if Ram were a doctor ,he would treat the people in hospital  5.if were a pilot ,I would fly an aeroplane in the sky. 6.if I had a car ,I would drive it in drizzle /mizzle  7.if he had a rose 🌹 ,he would gift it on your birthday  8.if you had a sword ,I would kill you in dark pitch night. 9.if he had an ATM ,he would withdraw money from bank to give you. 10.if they had judicial powers ,they would punish the criminals. ************ Special sentences 1.यदि मैं एक ख़तरनाक शेर होता तो मैं अपने शिकार के टुकड़े टुकड़े कर देता । 2.यदि मैं एक भयानक अजगर होता तो मैं एक साबुत हिरण को निगल जाता  3.यदि वह एक विश

Passive of future perfect

  Passive of future perfect  Sub+will have+V3+ob Passive voice Ob+will have been+V3+by sub ************** General sentences  1.your brother will have been rescued in flood packets will have been distributed during flood in shanty town  3.the car of principal will have been smashed by the rowdy students  4.a girl will have molested out side the college  5.your old bike will have repaired by an angry mechanic  6.yummy food will have been cooked for unvoiced guests. 7.your name will have been mentioned in an FIR 8. my new shoes will have been stolen from outside  temple  9.the saplings will have been planted in sappy garden  10.a page will have been torn from a diary to destroy evidences ********* Special passive  1.कुछ डाकुओं को एक कोटड़ी में कैद किया जा चुका होगा ।उनके हाथ पैर‌ बांधे जा चुके होंगे 2.उनकी कहासुनी को किसी ना किसी तरह शांत करवाया जा चुका होगा। एक एफआईआर इस मामले में लिखवाई जा चुकी होगी । 3.आगजनी और तोड़फोड़ को रोकने के लिए भारी भीड़ को तितर-बितर किया जा चुका होगा 4.

Passive of past continuous

  Passive of past continuous  Sub+was /were+V4+ob Passive  Ob+was/were +being+V3+by sub *****" Passive voice of past continuous  Ob+was/were+being+V3+by sub 1.he was being arrested due to theft in locality. important meeting was being held to discuss over water problem. 3.the toys and newpapers were  being scattered बिखेरनाin a room by prankish शरारती  children  4. My brother was being beaten black and blue बुरी तरह मारना due to molestation छेडछाड  with a girl effective speech was being delivered on independence day and flags were being distributed . 6.the poor children were being encouraged  in schools for their bright future  7.the cattle were being slaughtered   काटना in a butcher house by a butcher 8.i was being  insulted due to my torn clothes in a grandeur party' शानदार  9.he was being slapped due to his excessive misbehaviour  10.our parental property was being grabbed हड़पना by my removed relatives  दुर के रिश्तेदार  ************* ********** Special sentence

Passive of future indefinite

  Passive of future indefinite  Sub+will +v1 +ob Ob+will be +V3 +by sub General sentences  1.Deepawali will be celebrated with fan fare  2.our house will be painted at Deepali . 3. An effigy will be incinerated on vijaydashmi  4.the food packets will be distributed among the poor children in school. 5.your new car will be stolen from outside your office due to your carelessness  6.standing crops will be reaped /harvested in a roomy field  7. Examinations will be conducted soon for students 'bright future  8.yummy स्वादिष्ट  food will be served to the guests in sappy garden  हरा भरा बाग 9.intact blankets साबुत कंबल will be distributed to the poor in shanty town कच्ची‌ बस्ती  10.the new vehicles will be parked in the shade of 🌲 tree. ********* Practice session . 1. पर्यटकों की आवभगत होगी और‌ राजस्थानी  संस्कृति के  अनुसार उनके माथे पर लाल तिलक लगाया जायेगा 2.उसकी दयालु प्रवृत्ति के कारण उसकी फांसी की सजा को कम कर दिया जायेगा।उसको आजीवन‌ कारावास की सजा दी जायेगी  3.तुमहारी लापरवाही क

Idioms and phrases RJS 2024

  Some important phrases and idioms RJS 2024 ******** 1.Achilles heel कमजोर पक्ष  2.dime a dozen/a man in street साधरण व्यक्ति  3.alter ego परम मित्र  4.alive and kicking  एक दम सुरक्षित  5.arm chair critic झुठी आलोचना करने वाला व्यक्ति a loss/at the sea/in pickle/in soup /in doldrum/in a fix In a fix दुविधा में होना असंमजस में होना daggers drawn/have cross sword  लड़ने को तैयार  8.leave in whirlpool/leave in lurch/leave high and dry मंझधार में छोड़ना राम भरोसे छोड़ना  9.bury the hatchet शांति स्थापित करना  10.put all the eggs in a single basket  सब कुछ दांव‌ पर लगाना  11.a herculean task/an uphill task मुश्किल काम  12.a cake walk /a duck soup  आसान काम  13.a bee line path छोटा रास्ता  14.a hard  nut  to crack  अंसभव काम  15.all Greek  जो समझ में ना आए  16.a snail  pace  धीमी गति से किया गया काम  17.a square deal ईमानदारी भरा काम  18.back burner फालतु का मुद्दा ‌ 19.back to square one/all efforts ended in smoke  कोई परिणाम ना निकलना  20.bad blood दुश्मनी होना  21.bear the b

Past perfect passive

  Passive of past perfect  Sub +had+V3+ob Ob+had been +V3+by sub  General sentences  1.i had been acquitted in court due to  lack of evidences accomplice had been acquitted due to  charge of theft 3.she had been   praised due to her calm and decent nature. 4.i had been selected in IAS  due to my excessive diligence had been scolded due to white elephant  फिजुल खर्च neighbour had been arrested for murder after three years 7.he had been murdered in isolated area by some  loafers father had been operated in hospital due to his grave injury  गंभीर घाव friend had been invited to my birthday day party  10. My birthday had been celebrated and a candle had been enkindled.जलाना Special  sentence  1. उसके ज्ञानी  पिताजी का भरी भीड़ में उनके  विद्वता के कारण सम्मान हुआ था 2.उसके बदतमीजी बेटे का खचाखच भरी कक्षा में अपमान हुआ था ।वह सिर से पांव तक बदतमीज है 3.बडे लोगों को बचाने के लिए सोची समझी गई हत्या पर पर्दा डाला गया था । 4.रुढीवादी लोगों के द्वारा एक झुठी भविष्यवा

2.Past continuous

   Past continuous  Sub+was/were+V4+object He/she/it/any singular ---was+V4 You/we /they/plural ----were+v4 General sentences  1.he was eating an Apple 🍎 on an elephant 🐘 in the morning . 2.she was churning up  बिलौना curd दही  in a mud house  कच्चा मकान were offering oblation प्रसाद  चढ़ाना before lord Ganesha on Wednesday. 4.i was boarding on a bus to go to Village younger brother was playing football in street with his chums बचपन के दोस्त 6. A stranger was knocking at my door to get help in night neighbour was laving धोना his car with excessive water in garden was cheating him in the name of pesky calls . परेशान करने वाली काल्स  9.some children were begging out side my house in torn clothes 10.a doctor was cheating the people in the name of fake treatment नकली इलाज  11.i was driving my car in drizzle /mizzle रिमझिम  बारिश with my chums बचपन के दोस्त  12.he was befooling  बेवकूफ बनाना me in the name of trust were smoking Hubble bubble हुक्का in a mud

Past continuous

  Past continuous  Sub+was/were+V4+object He/she/it/any singular ---was+V4 You/we /they/plural ----were+v4 General sentences  1.he was eating an Apple 🍎 on an elephant 🐘 in the morning . 2.she was churning up  बिलौना curd दही  in a mud house  कच्चा मकान were offering oblation प्रसाद  चढ़ाना before lord Ganesha on Wednesday. 4.i was boarding on a bus to go to Village younger brother was playing football in street with his chums बचपन के दोस्त 6. A stranger was knocking at my door to get help in night neighbour was laving धोना his car with excessive water in garden was cheating him in the name of pesky calls . परेशान करने वाली काल्स  9.some children were begging out side my house in torn clothes 10.a doctor was cheating the people in the name of fake treatment नकली इलाज  ************* Special sentence  1.दयालु लोग घायलों को क्षत-विक्षत बस से निकाल रहे थे ।लोग दर्द से कराह रहे थे । 2.घायलो के घावों से बहुत सारा खुन बह रहा था और लोग उनकी सहायता करने के लिए इधर उधर

Rotation and Revision of past indefinite

  Rotation and Revision of past indefinite  Active voice  Sub+V2+ob Sub+Did not+v1+ob General sentences  1.i went to my Village after long time. Go .went gone  slept on the roof due to intense heat . Sleep slept slept  3.Maharana Pratap fought against Akbar due to his bravery . Fight .fought .fought  4.he lost his mobile due  to his carelessness. 5.she tore a page from his book . Tear tore torn  6.i did not slap him due to my calm nature . Slap तमाचा मारना  7.he did not apologise to his father due to his angry nature  Apologise माफी मांगना 8.she did not cook yummy food due to his lazy nature  9.i did not put my books in systematic order due to my idle nature  10 you did not give monthly rent due to your unemployment. *****" Special sentence  1.कल रात कुछ नकाबपोश गुंडों ने सुनसान सड़क पर मेरा रास्ता रोक लिया और मेरी दौलत को लुट लिया। 2.सबुत मिटाने के लिए एक खंडहर के पीछे उन्होंने एक क्षत-विक्षत लाश को ‌जला दिया । 3.भोले भाले गांव वालो को  चकमा देने के लिए उसने गढ़ा हुआ धन एक