
Showing posts from February, 2025

Modal should

   Modal should part a  यह राय देने के लिए काम लिया जाता है इसका अर्थ होगा चाहिए  Sub+should+v1+ob should lodge an FIR against  a notorious criminal. 2.the Government should implement beneficial policies to erase poverty  3.we should comply with /follow traffic rules strictly brother should shun dipsomania soon should give a piece of advice to your obstinate son . 6 you should help the poor due to your exorbitant money should not purchase an expensive car due to your economical problem  7.your kind wife should welcome /fete the unvoiced guests 8.your diligent brother should face your impending /coming interview in white shirt 9.your boozer father should give up dipsomania. should not sell your prolific land at dirty cheap Passive  Sub +should +v1+ob Ob+should be+V3+by sub should sell your house  Your house should be sold by you 2.the people should admit the injured people  The injured peop...
   Adjective. Topic. No 2  part 1.defination of adjective A.जो शब्द noun or pronoun को विशेषता प्रदान करें वह शब्द adjective कहलाता है । Example A.Ram is a prudent officer .he  solves murder cases prudently राम एक होशियार आफिसर है वह होशियारी से केसेज को हल करता है  . Adjective ----prudent  B.Ram is my brother .he is an honest police officer . राम मेरा भाई है वह एक ईमानदार पुलिस आफिसर है  Adjective ----honest  C.jaipur is a beautiful city . the tourists want to stroll in this city जयपुर एक सुंदर शहर है . पर्यटक इस शहर में सैर करना पंसद करते हैं  Adjective ----beautiful  D.i will sell my commodious field due to heavy debt. मैं भारी कर्ज के कारण मेरा लंबा चौड़ा खेत बेचुंगा। Adjective ----commodious,heavy should purchase an expensive car to cut a bold figure. तुम्हें अच्छा प्रभाव छोड़ने के लिए एक मंहगी कार खरीदनी चाहिए  Adjective ----expensive **************************** Some adjective  A.each /every ----vvv imp. A.each/eve...

11 number class

    Corner 🪨 stone class no.11 Future perfect Sub+will have+V3 +ob इस काल‌ मे भविष्य मे‌ संभावना ‌मे काम समाप्त ‌किया जाता‌‌ है यदि वाक्य में by the time ,by the next year,by next month,by next week 🎈 इत्यादि का ‌प्रयोग हो तो वहां futur perfect का ही प्रयोग होगा। *************** Practice session  1.इस सोची समझी गई हत्या की जांच करने के लिए वह उसको आदेश कर रहा होगा। 2.वह उसकी जायदाद हड़पने के लिए एक नकली वसीयत बना  रहा होगा । 3.साईबर अपराधी उच्च तकनीकी के कारण भोले-भाले लोगों को अपने जाल में रहा होगा। 4.सरकार   विकास  के नाम पर जर्जर मकानों को ढहा रही होगी  और जनता इस अभियान का विरोध कर रही होगी  5 भक्त भव्य मंदिर ‌मे‌ पुजा कर रहे‌  होंगे  Part A brother will have torn a page from a   slender diary . 2.your father will have admired your talent . 3.your theist mother will have worshipped in a temple . 4.they will have postponed a significant/important meeting due to heavy rain  5.the peo...

Interrogative sentences

  Interrogative sentence  1.will you be  solving this  stiff riddles  2.will you be  borrowing  ten thousand rupees to buy a new house ? 3.will he be criticizing other for their bad image  4.will your miser father be scolding you ? 5.will you be cheating your customers to earn huge money  6.will the police be arresting him for theft  7.will the people be offering  garland  in temple ? 8.will my brother be  selling his commodious field  9.will they be conducting an important/ significant meeting  10.will my neighbour be selling spurious ghee ? Home work  1.वह मुझे ‌पैसा नहीं देता है 2.तुम मुझे क्यों डांटते हो  3.वह  खेत में खड़ी मेहनत करता है 4.तुम मुझे क्यों सताते हैं  5. क्या तुम शाम को फुटबाल खेलते हो 
   Practical problems  1.A Threatened to shoot B if B does not lend him 2 lakh rupees and B agreed to it .decide the validity of contract  2.X a blacksmith is captured by a gang of dacoit and forced by threat of instant death forced him to open the door of y's house .the Dacoits looted Y's money and jewels and killed Y's son which offence had been committed by X ...... Conjunction part 8 1.with- , together with ,as well as,like,along with से पहले एक कर्ता होगा और इनके बाद एक कर्ता होगा  तो  verb इनसे पहले आने वाले कर्ता के अनुसार आयेगीं  2.यदि वह कर्ता एकवचन होगा तो verb एकवचन आयेगी और वह कर्ता बहुवचन होगा तो verb बहुवचन आयेगी। 3.with---साथ‌ साथ  Together with---साथ साथ  As well as उसके समान‌ Like  जैसा  Along with साथ  Examples wife with  our children is eating yummy food in a grandeur restaurant. मेरी पत्नी हमारे बच्चों के साथ एक भव्य रेस्टोरेंट् में स्वादिष्ट खाना खा रही है । B.The Prime minister as well as the cab...

Conjunction part 6

   Conjunction part 6 Practical problems of contract  X being in debt to Y  The money lender of his village contract a fresh loan on terms which appear to be unconscionable  This contract will be valid /void /voidable ......? sooner sooner का अर्थ होगा जैसे ही  B.इसके साथ conjuction than आयेगा । C.यदि no sooner  से वाक्य शुरू होगा तो helping  verb sub के पहले लिखी जायेगी इसको  inversion कहा जाता है। मगर वाक्य का अर्थ नकारात्मक नहीं होगा। Example sooner do I drink booze than my stern father wallop me. जैसे ही मैं शराब पीता हूं मेरे सख्त पिताजी मेरी बुरी तरह पिटाई करते हैं। sooner did I see a corpse in a valley than I yelled very loudly. जैसे ही घाटी में मैंने खुन से सनी लाश देखी वैसे ही मैं बहुत जोर से चिल्लाया था sooner had he sold spurious ghee than I arrested /rounded up him. जैसे ही उसने नकली घी बेचा था वैसे ही मैंने उसको गिरफ्तार कर लिया था sooner will a hooligan  pillage a bank t...

Class no 10

    Corner stone class no.10 Practical problems of contract  X being in debt to Y  The money lender of his village contract a fresh loan on terms which appear to be unconscionable  This contract will be valid /void /voidable ......? Practical problems  1.A Threatened to shoot B if B does not lend him 2 lakh rupees and B agreed to it .decide the validity of contract  2.X a blacksmith is captured by a gang of dacoit and forced by threat of instant death forced him to open the door of y's house .the Dacoits looted Y's money and jewels and killed Y's son which offence had been committed by X ...... Future continuous Sub+will be+V4+object इस काल में संभावना में काम चल‌रहा होता है इसका अर्थ होगा कर रहा होगा Part A  Common sentences  1.she will be sewing torn clothes due to her poverty. will be hiding the truth to cheat him . 3.the poor people will be eating stale  food due to their miserable condition . neighbour will be relying on ...