
Revision of article

1..........Ganga is ......sacred river. Rule----Desert+ordeals+ocean+river+sea से पहले the +doors A.the,A B.a,a article,the,an 2.........French defeated ......English The+राष्ट्रीयता zero article english subject A.the, C.a. article  3.which is.........longest river in ......India Superlative degree से पहले the आयेगा मगर  sd से पहले my,his,her, their,your हो तो zero article आयेगा  A.the,a B . the,the C.the,zero Article D.the,an you play ? खेल के नाम से पहले zero Article मगर विशेष कर दिया जाये  तो  the आता है  A.the B.a article  5.iron is.........useful metal  A+useful/uniform/one eyed man/European/one rupee note /unit आवाज consonant की होने के कारण  A.a C.the article moves around .....sun. Unique चीजों से पहले the आयेगा the+sun/earth/moon/sea/universe,the wind,the smoke मगर on के बीच the नहीं आयेगा A the,the B.the,an,an D.a,a 7.they waited for her for......hour. An+hour/heir/honour/hono

Grammar topic pronoun

1.i ,my ,me ,we,us,our -- इनको  1 St person pronoun कहते हैं।,you,your इनको 2‌ nd person कहा जाता है। 3.he his him she her her they their them it's इनको  3 Rd person कहा जाता ‌है। ******** 1.i ,we ,you,they ,she ,he  इनको ‍subjective or nominative case कहा जाता ‌है। ,us,you ,them,her,him  इनको objective case कहा जाता है,our,your,their,her,his इनको possessive pronoun कहा जाता ‌है। ****** 3.जानवर और व्यक्ति का एक‌ साथ‌ प्रयोग हो‌तो वहां that आयेगा । 1.Ram and his dog that have entered an  in barricaded by the people . 2.Rani and her cat  that were making nuisance in restaurant were being booted out. **""" What ot who के बाद‌ हमेशा‌ that आयेगा। 1.what is the matter that you cannot unravel. Ravel+cloud+complicate  2.who was there that you tussling with. ****"" 3.reflexive pronoun or apostrophe का प्रयोग ‌एक साथ नहीं हो‌ सकता है ।यहां सजीव‌ संज्ञाओ  के साथ भी ‍of आयेगा। 1.Sarla is daughter of  my erudite Principal who will elope  with me  2.Ram i

MOVIE----JAWWAN----STORY AND REVIEW ----by pankaj joshi

MOVIE-----JAWWAN-----REVIEW AND STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- this film hasbeen started by a high voltage drama .when saharukh khan works with girl gang having disguised .laxmi ,iram ,helena ,aaliya kureshi and leher are involved in his gang.these girls had a pathetic they ready to stand  by Aazad whose role is playing by sharkuh khan.he is robinhood in real who plays role of villain in this movie.he had taken hefty ransom from white collar criminal kali gayakwwad whose role is playing by vijay setupati. having taken this ransom ,he had distributed this ransom among the farmers who were in debt from tip to toe.they have compelled to commit suicide due to this heavy debt.kali had to given this money because her daughter is travelling in that metro. the samaritan aazad is can not stop this limit .he can cross any length to help the helpless people and distressed people.he had kidnapped health minister with the help of these lionh

Direct indirect part 3

1.यदि वाक्य में  मे impossible condition हो तो would be or wished  आयेगा। She said," if she were a queen She wished that she would be a queen *** 2. वाक्य में had to हो तो had had to आयेगा He said to me," I had to  beat him" ***** यदि वाक्य let से शुरु हो तो वाक्य में प्रस्ताव हो तो reporting verb proposed to or suggested to आयेगी ।और या तो should आयेगा या to+v1 आयेगा 1.she said to me,"let us go to market." She suggested to me to go to market Or She suggested to me that we should go to market *** यदि वाक्य में  इच्छा हो तो rv wished आयेगा  She said to me ,"let me take an ice-cream." She wished me to take an ice cream Or She wished me that she should take an ice Cream यदि वाक्य में order or request का भाव हो तो rv requested or ordered आयेगी और conjunction to allow आयेगा 1.the student said to the teacher," let me go home now." The student requested  the teacher to allow him go home than. 2.the Principal said to the peon,"let the students

rotation of modals and adjective

  1...............I go out sir? May ----to take or give permission /polite request/sound possibility  A.may B.can C.should D.would .........speak Hindi. Can---to show capacity and ability A.may B.can C.could D.would 3.the patient ...........take medicines in time. Should---to give suggestions.without obligation /lest+should A.might B.may C.should D.could  4..........God help you! May----for blessings and curse compliments. A.might B.may C.can D .should 5.she said that she Could ----to show ability or capacity of past. A.can b.could C.should D.might your duty cheerfully. Must----to show extreme obligation बाध्यता दिखाने के लिए  A.should B.must C.might D.could 7.i to see that pen Would like ---आंमत्रण  देने के लिए और इच्छा व्यक्त करने के लिए  A.would B.could C.can D.might 8.he .........punish the child. Dare ---‌हिम्मत करना/इसके बाद modal के रुप में s or to नहीं आयेगा 1.dares not to B.dare not C.dare not to D.dares not 9.Gandhijee .

rotation of conjuction and tesnse

ROTATION OF CONJUNCTION AND TENSE 1.Mrs,Varun ................................coming here but also going to any place........... is related to her past. a.not only stopped,which b.stopped not only,which c.not only stopped,where d.not stopped only,where 2.the teacher said to the students .................the notes as many times as possible lest you a.go through,would b.go through,should c.go for.can d.go for ,should 3...................have i tried my best to defend my friends ..........are all after all guilty to some extent. a.seldom or ever,who b.seldom or if ever ,who c.seldom or ever,whom d.seldom or if ever ,whom body ...........declared responsible for the loss of .......kind of articles. a.else than,may ,these b.else but.might be,this c.else but,can,those d.else than.should,these 5.because he has been ill for a month ........he does not come since/as/because-------no conjunction,the b.thus,the c.hence,zero article D zer

Theme base vocab

  Theme base vocab by adv.pankaj joshi Molestation and foeticide /woman status in our country  1.lust and lucre ----human frailty 2.carnal pleasure and corporeal needs ----rudimentary reason of offence ancient era ---- woman confine within four walls of house  4.busy as bee  In domestic chores In Penelope 's web around a clock/from dawn to dusk 5.churn up curd-----grind grain with a quern----withdraw water from well----cook food by hearth----milk the milch cattle 6. Cater fodder to the milch cattle  7.rear their cattle  8.nurse+bring up+cherish+nourish+nurture 9.her  life is akin to/tantamount to  Zombie  Bondage+thrall+servitude+slave+subjection  10.maul+flay+wallop+thrash+ 11.clem+live on air+starve  12.put on---rags/tatters/torn clothes 13 eat---musty +rancid+putrid+stale+humble food  14.rise with lark /rise in wee hours  15.repress+restrain+supress+subdue+quell+quash 16.inclination+penchant+leaning 17.craving+longing+yearn 18.pent up desire/surreals 19.engender +beget+proc