
If condition impossible

   If impossible condition  यदि मैं होता  If +sub+were+ob,sub+would/could+v1+ob यदि  पास होता  If +sub+had+ob,sub+would/could +v1+ob  *************** General sentences  1.if he were a rowdy  rat ,an agile cat pounce on it in a wee  Smell a rat Rat race Hide and seek game  2.if  she were a literate woman ,she would  usher the society akin to a torch bearer . 3.if you were  a devil ,the mob/rabble will kill you at Carfax with lynch law   4.if Ram were an adroit doctor ,he would provide gratis treatment to the people  5.if were an acrobat ,I would show dangerous acrobatic feats to enthrall the public . 6.if I had a  divine  power ,I would  grant a boon for your immortal life   7.if he had malafide intention for you ,he would  implicate you into cold blooded murder. 8.if you had a  grinded sword ,I would  maim  him  in dark pitch night. 9.if he had an ATM ,h...

Adjective part 2

  Phrases 1.stick out your neck Take risk 2.neck to neck competition Risky competition  3.have a long face Gloomy face  4.see eye to eye with Agree with 5.poke your nose Interfere someone  6.bring up Nurture someone  7.brought out Publish someone on nail Pay cash  9.burn your finger  Face economical loss 10.grease your palm  Take bribe  Practice session  गरीब लोग कच्ची बस्ती में रहते हैं और फटे कपड़े पहनते हैं ।वे बासी भोजन‌‌ करते हैं ।वे पेट भर खाने के लिए तड़पते है ।तुम गरीबों की मजाक उड़ाते हैं । 1.जो शब्द noun और pronoun को विशेषता प्रदान करें वह शब्द कहलाता है। 1.Rose is a beautiful flower. 2.Ram is my brother .he is an honest person. ******** 2.little न के बराबर  A little  थोड़ा सा  The little  जो कुछ थोड़ा सा Uncountable noun के साथ होगा 1.there is little water to drink 2.there is a little water to drink 3.the little water in bucket has been spilled 3.few  न के बराबर  A few थोड़ा सा  ...

Section 59 to 67

  Contract act  Sec 59----   application of payment where debt to be discharged is indicated ----where a debtor owing to several distinct debts to one person makes a payment to him either with express intimation or under circumstances implying that the payment is to be applied to the discharge of some particular debt the payment ,if accepted must be applied accordingly  This principal had been laid down in "in ree cliton " in 1816. ILLUSTRATIONS  A.A owes B among other debts 1000 rupees upon a promissory note Which falls due on the first june  He owes B no other debt of that amount  On the first june A pays B 1000/ rupees .the payment is tobe applied to the discharge of the promissory note  B.A owes to B among other debts the sum of 567 rupees .B writes to A and demands payment of this sum .a sends to b 567 rupees .this payment is to ...

Modal should

   Modal should part a  यह राय देने के लिए काम लिया जाता है इसका अर्थ होगा चाहिए  Sub+should+v1+ob should lodge an FIR against  a notorious criminal. 2.the Government should implement beneficial policies to erase poverty  3.we should comply with /follow traffic rules strictly brother should shun dipsomania soon should give a piece of advice to your obstinate son . 6 you should help the poor due to your exorbitant money should not purchase an expensive car due to your economical problem  7.your kind wife should welcome /fete the unvoiced guests 8.your diligent brother should face your impending /coming interview in white shirt 9.your boozer father should give up dipsomania. should not sell your prolific land at dirty cheap Passive  Sub +should +v1+ob Ob+should be+V3+by sub should sell your house  Your house should be sold by you 2.the people should admit the injured people  The injured peop...
   Adjective. Topic. No 2  part 1.defination of adjective A.जो शब्द noun or pronoun को विशेषता प्रदान करें वह शब्द adjective कहलाता है । Example A.Ram is a prudent officer .he  solves murder cases prudently राम एक होशियार आफिसर है वह होशियारी से केसेज को हल करता है  . Adjective ----prudent  B.Ram is my brother .he is an honest police officer . राम मेरा भाई है वह एक ईमानदार पुलिस आफिसर है  Adjective ----honest  C.jaipur is a beautiful city . the tourists want to stroll in this city जयपुर एक सुंदर शहर है . पर्यटक इस शहर में सैर करना पंसद करते हैं  Adjective ----beautiful  D.i will sell my commodious field due to heavy debt. मैं भारी कर्ज के कारण मेरा लंबा चौड़ा खेत बेचुंगा। Adjective ----commodious,heavy should purchase an expensive car to cut a bold figure. तुम्हें अच्छा प्रभाव छोड़ने के लिए एक मंहगी कार खरीदनी चाहिए  Adjective ----expensive **************************** Some adjective  A.each /every ----vvv imp. A.each/eve...