
Showing posts from March, 2025
  RAJASTHALI LAW INSTITUTE  Eklavya batch for ex students  1.fee only 25,000/ 2.very intensive preparation  3.time 7.30 am to 1 pm daily 4.with sound study material 

Section 124 to 130 contract act

  Chapter 8 Of indemnity and guarantee  Section 124."contract of indemnity"defined ----- A contact by which on party promise to save the other from loss caused to him by the contract of the promisor himself or by the contact of any other person  Is called a contract of indemnity Illustrations  1.a contract to indemnity B against the consequences of any proceedings which c may take against b in respect of a   certain sum of 200 rupees .this is a contract of indemnity  Important facts  1.all the insurance policy is known as contract of indemnity except for life insurance and individual accident insurance .the promise of defendant is absolute   Case name  The new India insurance company limited versus state trading corporation of India  ****************************** Section 125 -------Right of indemnity holder when sued ---- The promise in a contract of indemnity acting within the scope of his authority ,is entitled to recover fr...


  Test paper for morning batch  Write synonyms of following words  1.implement A.apply B.mitigate C.maul D flay 2.erase A.wonky B.rickety C.quern D.eradicate  3.shun A.fodder B.give up C.accept  D.adopt 4.dipsomania A.habit of walking B.habit of lying   C.habit of drinking booze  D.habit of cheating 5.obstinate A.cruel B.kind C.dogged  D.lunatic 6.kind  A.cruel B..mercyful C. Cheater  D.lier 9.diligent A.lazy B.languid  C.lethargic D.hard worker  10.prolific A.fertile B.barren C.worthless D.precious  Write antonyms of following words  11.agile  A.lazy C.fool D.mad 12.devil  A.divine  B.innocent D malafide  13.adroit  A.deft B.daft C.dexter D.inexpert B.payable D.expensive  15.immortal A.mortal B.log C.novice handy  16.malafide  A.polite B.rude C.ignorancs D.bonafide  17.grinded  A.blunt B.whetted  C...


  1.every of the students ......going to school . B.was  C.will 2.neither of two students .........participating in seminar . A.are B.was C.were D.will 3.i have not known .........person in this city  A.any B.some  C.neither  D.either  4.can you give me .......sugar? A.little B.a little  C.the little D.few  5.he was a taking a bath with ........water . A.a little  B.the little  C.little  D.few  6.i have invited ..........friends to my birth day party . A.few  B.a few  C.the few  D.fewer 7.there are no .........tha n  five hundred soldiers on ship . A.fewer  B.less C.lesser  D.few  8. There is no ........than milk in a cab  A.less B.fewer  C.lesser  D.few 9.many  ....... leaders have come to join the meeting A.less B.lesser C.fewer  D.little 10.each of the students is doing  A.his B.her  C.its D.their  11. I am .......poor that I can...

If possible condition

   CORNER  stone class number.23 Topic if possible condition 1.If+sub+v1/v5+object,sub+will +v1+object 2.if +sub+do not/does not+v1+ob,sub+Will not+v1+object 1.इस शर्त को if संभव शर्त कहा जाता है ।इस शर्त if की possible condition कहा जाता है  2.इस शर्त में पहले वाक्य present indefinite से बनेगा और दुसरा वाक्य future indefinite से बनेगा  3.दोनो वाक्यों में कभी भी will+v1 नहीं आयेगा। 4.if+present indefinite,future indefinite *************************** General sentences  1.if you drive fast you will meet with a fatal accident. 2.if a sly doctor cheat you ,you will lodge an FIR against him 3.if you abuse him ,he will slap you in his anger . 4.if the students make a noise in the class ,the strict principal will punish them without any mercy. 5.if a diligent student works hard ,he will touch peak point of success. 6.if a poor wears torn clothes ,the rich people will make fun of his poverty . 7.if  you commit theft ,the people will beat him mercilessly. 8.if...

Section 73 to 75

Chapter 6 ----the consequences of breach of contract  Section 73---When a contract has been broken  The party who suffers by such breach is entitled to receive from the party who has  broken the contract compensation for any loss or damaged  caused to him thereby  Which naturally arose in usual course of thing from such breach or which the parties knew  When they made the contract  To be likely to result from  the breach of it  Such  compensation is not to be given for any remote and indirect loss or damage sustained by reason of the breach Compensation for failure to discharge obligation resembling those created by contract ------ When an obligation resembling those created by contract has been incurred and has not been discharged   Any person injured by the failure to discharge it  Is entitled to receive the same compensation from the party in default  As if such person had contracted to discharge it and had broken ...

Section 68 to 72

  Chapter 5  Of certain relation  Resembling those created by contract  Section 68 Claim for necessaries supplied to person incapable of contracting or on his account  -----if a person incapable of entering into a contract or anyone whom is legally bound to support , Is supplied by another person with necessaries suited to his condition in life  The person who has furnished such supplies is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of such in capable person . Important point  This principle had been laid down by Mensfield this principal prevents theory of unjust enrichment .this contract is implied contract .unjust  enrichment has been laid down in  mosage versus  macfurlawn , Mafatlal industries versus union of India Explain the meaning of unjust enrichment by supreme court of India  This principle depends on principal of equity  Example  A is son of B .a hired a painter  to paint his house without his father's pe...

Adjective part 3

  Practice session  हम होली धुमधाम से मनाते हैं ।होली भाईचारे और आपसी प्रेम का प्रतीक ‌है ।लोग एक दुसरे के रंग लगाते है और एक दुसरे से गले मिलते हैं ।काफी लोग इस त्यौहार पर बहुत शराब पीते हैं और राहगीरों को परेशान करते हैं । 1.later/latter/latest/last Later---- इसका अर्थ होगा बाद में ।यह समय का क्रम बताता है। Example  A.i will offer oblation before God later than my mother  मैं अपनी मां के बाद भगवान के सामने प्रसाद चढ़ाऊंगा। B.your brother will  gear up for  impending competition later than his friend. तुम्हारा भाई अपने दोस्त के बाद संभावित परिक्षा की तैयारी करेगा। Latter----इसका अर्थ होगा बाद वाला ।यह दो वस्तुओं या व्यक्तियों में बाद वाले को बताते हैं। A.between swine flu and corona ,the latter is more dangerous. स्वाइन फलू और कोरोना के मध्य बाद वाली ज्यादा ख़तरनाक ‌है B.between gold and silver ,the latter is cheaper. सोने और चांदी के मध्य बाद वाली ज्यादा सस्ती है। Latest ---इसका अर्थ होगा अब तक अंतिम should purchase the latest mobile...