

BRAHAMASTRA TEST PAPER NO.44 PRESENTATION AND CREATION  BY ADV.PANKAJ JOSHI   ************************************************************ WRITE ACTIVE TO PASSIVE AND VICE VERSA have to submit the assignment before the deadline. a.the assignment has to be submitted by you before the deadline b.submission of the assignment has to be done by you before the deadline c.before the deadline you have to be done with the assignment submission. d.the assignment is to be submitted by yourself answer a 2.the mechanic will repair the scooter by noon. a.Repairing of the scooter by the mechanic will be done by the noon. b.the scooter by noon by the mechanic would have been repaired. noon the mechanic will have repaired the scooter. d.the scooter will be repaired by the mechanic by noon. answer a 3.her performence did not impress the judges . a.impressing the judges by her performence was not done by her. b.her performence was not impressive for the judges  c.she failed to impress the judg


WRIT E AC TIVE TO PASSIVE AND VICE VERSA  1.James Cameron directed the titanic. a.the titanic has been directed by James Cameron. b.the titanic was directed by James Cameron. c.James Cameron had directed the Titanic. d.James Cameron has been directing the Titanic. 2.Mr.Dutta teaches us English . a.English is taught to us by Mr. Dutta . b.we are being taught English by Mr.Dutta. Mr.Dutta we are taught english. d.we have been taught English by Mr.Dutta 3.has the postman not delivered the letter? A.has the letter been delivered by the postman? B.has the letter not been delivered by the postaman? the letter delivered by the postaman? d.the postamn has not delivered the letter. 4.John is building a new cupboard . a.John has been building a new cupboard . b.a new cupboard is being built by John . c.a new cupboard is been built by john. d.John 'S new cupboard is being built 5.someone will pay you next monday. would be paid next Monday. b.someone will be paying you next mon


  1.otherwise ,else,or else इनका अर्थ है अन्यथा  या नहीं तो इनके बाद। Not नहीं आयेगा । 1.तुम्हे राज खोल देना चाहिए नहीं तो पुलिस वाले  तुम से सच उगलवा लेंगे। 2.तुमहे अपने सह अपराधी का ठिकाना बता देना चाहिए  नहीं तो तुम भयानक परिणाम का सामना करोगे। 3.अपनी मंजिल पाने के लिए उसे जमीन आसमान एक करना चाहिए नहीं तो वह इस सुनहरी मौके को गंवा देगा। ******* 2.जब वाक्य में it is period of time का प्रयोग हो तो उसके बाद हमेशा past indefinite आयेगा ।  It is period of time+since+simple past  1.आठ साल हो गये है जब से उसने मोह माया का त्याग किया है। 2.दस साल हो गये है जब से मेरे शराबी भाई ने शराब की लत का त्याग किया है। ******* 3.while/when While ---एक समय में दो काम चल रहे होते हैं। When ---इसमें एक काम समाप्त होता है दुसरा चल रहा होता है। सामान्यतया Past continuous+while+past continuous Simple past+when+past continuous +++++++++++++++++++++ 1.वह छिपकर उनकी संदिग्ध गतिविधियों को देख रहा था जबकि मै उनकी बातों को छिप कर सुन रहा था। 2.वह फुट फुट कर रो रहा था जब मैंने भारी नुकसान के लिए उनको तसल्ली दी । *

Article part 4

  1. पर्वत श्रेणियों  के नाम से पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। The Himalayas,the Alps ,the vindhyas ,the eastern ghats  1.the valour people can climb the Himalayas . मगर निम्न से पहले article नहीं आयेगा। Zero article+mount Everest/mount abu/Nanda devi/dhaulagiri /Annapurna/mount Fuji/Mount Olympus 2. Many corpses have been found on mount Everest. ******** 2.रेलगाडियो से पहले the आता है। The Rajdhani express The Punjab mail The Magadh express The Toofan express 1.the Puja express derailed last night due to foggy 🌁 weather **** 3.जब कोई शब्द पुरे वर्ग को बतायें तो उससे पहले हमेंशा the आयेगा। The rich ,the poor,the lame,the sick,the dumb,the deaf,the young,the blind,the honest. 1.the honest and the dishonest have poles apart distance  2.the rich mock of the poor . ********/* 4.ऐतिहासिक साम्राज्य से पहले the आयेगा। The Mughal Empire The Gupt Empire The Roman Empire The Vijay Nagar Empire The Kushan empire 1.the Mughal Empire was another name of 🌴 Palmy days. 2.the Roman Empire was another n


write active to passive and vice versa 1`.shut the ajar door. a.let the ajar door be shut   b.let the ajar door be shut  c. let the ajar door be shutted  d.let the ajar door be shut by you      2.i shall be obliged to go.  a.circumstances may oblige me to go  b.circumstances could oblige me to go  c.circumstances would oblige me to go  d.circumstances will oblige me to go  3.who tore the glossy curtains yesterday. whom were the glossy curtains teared yesterday ? whom were the glossy  curtains torn yesterday? c. by whom are the glossy curtains torn yesterday?  d. by whom were the glossy curtains tore yesterday? 4.who had giggled at you?  a. by whom you had been giggled at?  b. who had you been giggled at? whom had you been giggled at? whom were you been giggled at?  5.kindly offer your remarks . a you were requested to offer your remarks. b. you have been requested to offer your remarks. are requested to offer your remarks. are being requested to offer

Article part 3

  Article part 3. 1.यदि किसी व्यक्ति ‌का उपनाम बहुवचन में हो तो उससे पहले  the आयेगा। 1.सिंह परिवार मुझसे अपनी दुश्मनी का बदला लेगा । 2.यादव परिवार ने भरी भीड़ में मेरा अपमान किया था । 1.we will go with the Guptas to watch movie Deevar at our leisure. 2.we have gone with the shramas to watch movie oh my God at flexi hours. The +Guptas/Sinhas/Thakurs/ sharmas ************   के नाम से पहले हमेशा the आयेगा मगर इस नाम से पहले rank /post लगा दिया जाये  तो the नहीं आयेगा। 1.वह अधिक फायेदे के लिए  अच्छी लिखावट में मैनेजर को पत्र लिखेगा 2.तुम मुलभुत सुविधाओं  के अभाव के कारण मुख्यमंत्री को एक पत्र लिखोगे  1.the +principal/colonel/chief minister /home minister/supritendent of 🚨 police/head master... 2.the post/rank+zero article chancellor/dean/manager/major etc. 1.the primeminister will come at inaugurate this 🌉 bridges 2.i will complain to the principal. 3.he will be promoted to the rank of Major. ********* 3. शरीर के अंगों से पहले हमेशा the आयेगा और preposition in आयेगा। 1.कटटर

Theme KIDNAP vocab part 3

  Theme base vocab part 3 ********************-******* Theme ----kidnap  1.a roly poly child--*frisk/gambol----bank of a shozzy/shallow river ---at dusk  🌇 Sole offspring of an opulent /tycoon  2.four hoodlum----alighted from/got off  a wonky wan 3.armed with ---sophisticated revolver 🔫 4.approched the boy----tie his limbs and gag his 👄 mouth 5.boy --- try to wiggle his limbs and yell  6.took on heels/vanish into thin air  7.used mud and isolated path to bluff police  8..confined him in a stuffy room behind a mound /hillock 10.demanded hefty ransom in cavernous voice  11.mawkish mother---shed tears--- 12.father----prowl around Family ---in the blues/have long face  13.father----piled of wads of notes in bag 💰 14.domestic help ----snithched the police  15.king pin ---corroborated /upheld place /time  16.threaten for ---dire consequences+aftermath+ repercussions  17.father turned up at isolated place ----adjacent a dense forest 18.King pin handed over his boy Embraced his boy and dis